"Dawn, listen to me, okay. Listen. My suits, you know them, get in one of them. Lock you in the glass showcase box, they'll never find you there. Now hurry, I'm coming!" He said then hung up.

I did as he said quietly while holding in the tears.i shoved my phone in my back pocket and took off my metal glove. I was in complete terror. I got in the suit and it held me there. I stayed silent.

The light flickered on and I tried so bad not to scream. I shut my eyes so tight all I saw was black, I held my breath and breathed like a mouse.

Five men all dresses in the same clothes walked in. They turned in all different direction. Then what appeared to be 'the boss' walked in. He stood with his hands on his hips, a straight face, angry.

"Hurry up men! We don't got all day!!" He yelled.

I watched as all the men in uniforms walked around searching every bit of his lab when another loud crash came from upstairs. I shut my eyes tightly closed again as the sound echoed.

Three out of the five men continued to search, while the two others were sent upstairs. Just then, a metal man came down the stairs, with every step he took a loud 'thunk' happened.

"I think your in my house." The voice said once he was in the room. He sounded mad. Right before he could do anything, many men armed with guns wearing the black uniforms came down the stairs and aimed at the man in the metal suit.

"Take off the mask." 'The Boss' said in a heavy Russian accent. The man in the metal suit did as the Russian man said and it revealed the one and only Tony Stark.

"Ah! Mr.Stark! Long time no see eh?"

"Oh, Nice to see you too, whoever you are. But I'm so sorry for you, you'll never get that USB." Tony said simply.

"Oh, you know I will." the older man said with a laugh

"I have people coming here. One of them has MAJOR anger issues. He will break you in half like a toothpick." Tony said completely straight faced.

"Oh really now?" The Russian man said eyeing Tony.

"Oh really yes." Tony said mocking him. The old man tried to speak but Tony cut him off.

"Wait for it. 3.... 2.... 1. Here they come." He said.

Just as he finished talking, the only light source, which was a window, broke and revealed what people called "The Avengers".

Captain America, Thor, Hawk Eye, Black Widow, The Hulk.

I know these guys because Pepper told me a little about them, and who doesn't read MARVEL comics?!

"If one wants something so badly as you do.... well, then I say jut look out for a fight to come." Captain America said throwing his shield like a boomerang that knocked out some of the guards.

Then Black Widow and Hawk Eye came and took out the rest while I'm pretty sure the Hulk stayed outside and destroyed any others out there.

"Where's Dawn?!" Tony asked Captain America and Thor who were standing on the opposite side if the room form him.

"In here!" I shouted hoping he would hear me. Luckily he did.

"Dawn!" he shouted as he opened up the glass and the suit.

"Tony!" I said jumping out and giving him a hug.

"Dawn, do you still have the USB?" he asked.

"Yes, why?" I said

"We need to get her out of here!" Tony said.

"I know but how!" Captain said back.

"Why don't we just wait until everyone's dead?" I said just throwing something out there.

"We can't! They'll have more people coming. Were stuck." Thor said back.

"Tony! Fly her out!" Captain said a minute after

"What?" He said.

"Fly her out. Carry her to S.H.E.I.L.D. you'll be safe there."

"True." Tony said agreeing.

"Um, Tony, sorry about your living room." Hawk Eye called from up stairs.

"What did you do?!" Tony yelled and ran to the door and up the stairs. Thor, Captain and I followed behind.

When we got up there, it was horrible.


Hello people! sorry I haven't been updating my books in a while.

There's just been so more drama come into my life so I'm kinda a little stuck.

But don't worry I'm working it out! but ya! many more chapter to come so and I hope you look forward to it!

See all of you's later!

~ bella🐯

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