Huge Audience!

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Japan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a couple of minutes, we had another person come by. It was Seychelles. She came by in an beautiful ocean dress with white flower designs on the bottom and ocean wave patterns all around the dress. She twirled it around while giggling happily and then smiled at us. "Hi Japan! What'cha doing?" She asked sweetly. I couldn't help but give a nervous smile, she was just too cute!
"Uh, well, me and Taiwan were given the position by America and his boss to hold the Anime/Manga stand." "Oooo, and is that Hong Kong and China there? Hey guys!" "Hi Seychelles-Chan!" China smiled as he waved. "Finally someone noticed us" Hong Kong sighed as he waved too. "To be honest, I still don't know the wonders of your anime and manga Japan, can you show me them? I've been curious to see a real one for a while..." "Sure, step right in" then as she did, she looked like she was already thinking about what type of anime she might want to see. "Well, what type of----" "Girly anime! What about Lucky Star?" Lucky Star!? How does she know about that one? Perhaps.....maybe one of the Asian countries or states told her about it. Maybe? "You're sure?"  "Yep! I sure am!" She beamed. She practically jumped all around the place! "Okay then," I took her to the second tv and put it on for her. As soon as the opening started playing, she got hyped up and before you know it, you'll now see her dancing just like them! The jumps, the pointing like in America-san's dance, the push in and out, the side to side movement, it was like she already knew every move, all  in one shot! Then I looked over at Taiwan and saw she looked a little more serious than usual. I wonder why? Then after watching a few episodes, France comes in. "Bonjour friends, I'm on break so I'm here to wonder around your world of anime..." "Okay Mr. France, feel free to---" "Seychelles!? Is that you!?" "France!?" Then it all turned to ackward silence as the two stared at each other shocked. I look over at Taiwan this time and see her smirking, smirking!? Was she enjoying this!? Wait, this could only mean one thing......but for her sake, I won't embarrass her, but you guys can possibly guess what it was. "Oh no...." "Oh Yes Mes seychelles magnifiques!" Then he came and gave her a big, tight hug. " are you watching?" "Just Lucky Star, not that you'd be interested...." "Oh trust me bella, I don't mind at all, a cute girly anime sounds wonderful!" Then he sat down with her to watch more episodes while still hugging her. "Well, that's solved..." Taiwan said as she turned the other way and left. "Taiwan, wait," then I found myself running towards her and then grabbing her hand.........again! Then she looked completely shocked at me as her left hand covered her mouth and her face flushed bright. "J-Japan, W-What are you---?" Then my face flushed, but I think brighter and redder than hers. "Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai! I didn't mean to! I just wanted to know...." "Know what?" She looked at me half surprised and half concerned. She still looked at me with those cute sparkling anime eyes of her and her wavy, shining brown hair. I think I'm gonna lose it soon. I just stuttered a little, or at least I hope a little, "I....I just wanted to know why you looked so.....serious......." "Oh! Uh...." she looked embarrassed, maybe I shouldn't have asked her. "I" "Yo!" A loud scream scard us and made us both jump. We turn around and see America-san with a huge crowd of countries. "Dude, is your stand still open? I think these guys want to party here too" he pointed to everyone in the crowd and they were countries alright, and they were not only Asian, but possibly some from Europe too. "Are you guys free for space?" One American soldier asked curiously. That's right. thier Soldiers too. Then we both had sweat drops on our heads as we look at each other. Then back at them. "Sure, no problem, we still have plenty of spa--"
"Party at Japan's!" America yelled as everyone screamed with him and ran straight in. They were like a mob, a huge wild mob, I think even poor Hong Kong and China became paranoid at how many people were now inside the stand. "Everybody! Chill! Chill!" Hong Kong screamed as he threw his hands out while China hugged him tightly. Then Taiwan looked at me upsetly. "Nevermind, I'll tell you later...."

Taiwan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vietnam, after kicking Thailand's tail in, came back and continued watching Sailor moon on the first tv. We decided to leave her alone for sure though because she can guess. Her eyes and angry vain on the side of her head told how furious she was. After a few minutes though, then Seychelles came by, making her our second customer. Kind of. She danced around with her dress and then shouted, "Hi Japan! What'cha doing?" I looked at him and saw him smile....nervously!?
Why!? Is it because...........ohh........
that idiot...... "Uh, well, me and Taiwan were given the position by America and his boss to hold the Anime/Manga stand." He pointed to me, Hong Kong, and China. "Oooo, and is that Hong Kong and China there? Hey guys!" "Hi Seychelles-Chan!" China smiled as he waved. "Finally someone noticed us" Hong Kong sighed as he waved too. So those two fell for her charms too, huh? "To be honest, I still don't know the wonders of your anime and manga Japan, can you show me them? I've been curious to see a real one for a while..." Still? Did Japan tell her about Anime too!? "Sure, step right in" then as she did, she looked like she was already thinking about what type of anime she might want to see. "Well, what type of---" "Girly anime! What about Lucky Star?" Lucky Star!?!!! how many things did you tell this girl Japan!!?? Ugh!! Why am i getting so angry? Seychelles is a nice girl, she's a nice friend of mine, I shouldn't be reacting like this. But I guess I'm reacting on my own."You're sure?"  "Yep! I sure am!" She beamed. She practically jumped all around the place! "Okay then," then he grabbed her hand and took her to the second tv next to Vietnam. When the opening came on, it was like she watched it a million times! How? Her dance moves and favorite speech lines, she even knew they're names! All of it! Too perfect! Then after a few episodes, France walks in. "Bonjour friends, I'm on break so I'm here to wonder around your world of anime..." "Okay Mr. France, feel free to---" "Seychelles!? Is that you!?" "France!?" Then it all turned to ackward silence as the two stared at each other shocked. I then smirked, this was too good! "Oh no...." "Oh Yes Mes seychelles magnifiques!" Then he came and gave her a big, tight hug. " are you watching?" "Just Lucky Star, not that you'd be interested...." "Oh trust me bella, I don't mind at all, a cute girly anime sounds wonderful!" Then he sat down with her to watch more episodes while still hugging her. Looking at them strangely upsetted me though. It was like I wished that him and her was me and Japan just now and I knew that was the case. I guess I'm really jealous of her after all. I knew Japan saw me too, so I tried to just at least look serious and not sad, that'll only urge me to cry quicker. "Well, that's solved..." then I decided to leave for a while to catch some air but then, I hear Japan shout,  "Taiwan, wait," and suddenly run to grab my hand. Grab my hand!? As soon as he did, I frooze. I think my heart did too. Then I turned around and gave my embarrassed, blushing face away. "J-Japan, W-What are
you---?" Then it was his turn to flush red, expect his face was completely red! No kidding! "Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai! I didn't mean to! I just wanted to know...." "Know what?" I looked at him half surprised and half concerned. Poor Japan. "I....I just wanted to know why you looked so.....serious......." "Oh! Uh...." I think he read right through me. "I" "Yo!" A loud scream scard us and made us both jump. We turn around and see America-san with a huge crowd of countries. "Dude, is your stand still open? I think these guys want to party here too" a huge crowd of people looked curiously and amazed at us, not only Asian countries, but some Europe ones too. "Are you guys free for space?" One American soldier asked curiously.
Oh boy, thier Soldiers too? Then we both had sweat drops on our heads as we look at each other. Then back at them. "Sure, no problem, we still have plenty of spa--"
"Party at Japan's!" America yelled as everyone screamed with him and ran straight in. They were like a mob, a huge wild mob, I think even Hong Kong and China became paranoid at how many people were now inside the stand. Ha! "Everybody! Chill! Chill!" Hong Kong screamed as he threw his hands out while China hugged him tightly. Something told me that with this much people crowding the place, that now's not the time to tell him. "Nevermind, I'll tell you later...." This is too much! Why am I feeling like this? What's going on? 😟😔

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