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Japan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was walking with China and Hong Kong, early in the morning, to the World Academy W. I don't think the school was open yet, dued to seeing no students yet. It must be that early.
Then China lightly tapped me, "You think we can pull off this Anime/Manga stand America and his boss gave us?" I just smiled at him, "Don't worry China, in fact, you're always worrying, don't, I'm a professional at my Anime and Manga stuff, I know what I'm doing." "You sure?
Because---" "China, I rest assure you I know what we're gonna do" "But---" "My God, China! can't you see Japan knows what he's doing?" Hong Kong complained. "Aiyaa, okay, easy..." then after that, we arrive behind the school building where it's gonna be held, and boy, was it a beautiful sight! Looks like America wasn't kidding when he said that this place was gonna look amazing. Then I see him with his boss, placing up the banner. "Okay, a little to the left" his boss instructed as America moved left. "A little more to the left" and he moves left again. "More to the left" and he moves again until he's on his toes trying to reach the edge of the other wall. Then he wobbles a little until he looses his balance. "AHHHHH!!!" he screamed as he fell back and crashed the ground really hard. Then his boss comes running to him. "America! Easy! Next thing we need is for you to break your back on the day we need you" his boss scolded while looking at him concerned. "Oh, ha ha, thanks Boss, you try doing it" he sassed back. "Uh, Mr. America? Are you ok?" I asked him before he looked at me. "Japan! and China and Hong Kong too? Oh my God" He quickly shot up and ran to the three of us. "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect you to show up early, but I appreciate it, thanks man" "No problem America-san" "Now that you, China, and Hong Kong are here, go set yourselves up over at the stand," "Okay, we will" and then we leave to the Anime/Manga stand. As we set up our stand and prepare the Anime and Manga stuff, I look towards America, who greets another person who volunteered to help. It was Italy. "Where's the recreation area?" "Way over there dude" America points to the back of the carnival to the recreation area, which was really, really huge! "Grazie, and also, what will I have to do? Where do I go in there?" America just sighs and then signals Italy by hand motion, "Let's go, I'll show you" and so the two leave inside the recreation center. Then after a while packing, I hear a soft voice call "Japan?" Goodness, the voice was so....Kawaii! Then I turned around and saw Taiwan. She looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes and shining brown hair that the wind gracefully blew. Her Kimono was a light shining pink with beautiful blossoms patterns throughout the Kimono. In the middle of the Kimono was a pink ribbon wrapped around the waist and the big ribbon tied in the back. The way she looked was too amazing for even me to describe you, even the sun's light on her made her look like an angel. wait, why am I saying this!? I'm only her friend, right? "Yay! Japan! you're here!" Then after she said that, I snapped out of daydreaming and looked at her embarrassed with a sweat drop on my head. "So, what are we gonna do?" she asked me. "Uh, How about we get the Anime and Manga prepared?" "Japan, we already got it ready..." China said slowly and worried. "What!? already!? What about the Boy and the Beast movie?" "All set to watch, and in english dub too" "Uh, what about Sailor Moon Crystal?" "Sorry Japan, She's over here with the rest of the dvds" Hong Kong said as he pointed to the dvd stack. Then I stood humiliated as I tried to think about something else me and her can do. "Um" then I figured out an idea, "the food's surely not ready yet, right?" Then China and Hong Kong look at each other and back at me. "Right" "Alright, come on then Taiwan, let's go make the snacks for the audience," I grab Taiwan by the arm and run to go visit France for some snacks we can borrow. Then when we arrive, we see France in a white shirt and black pants and black chefs apron. "Oh, bonjour friends!" "konnichiwa France-san" I greeted while bowing. Then he turns and smiles at us. "Is there something I could help you with?" "Um, well, we wanted to see if you have popcorn and some water." "No sodas?" "Uh, leave that to the American citizens who come by" I know how they are with soda. "Okay then, well," he leaves for a minute to go get some in the inside of the stand.
Then he comes back with some. "I have some different types of popcorn, but I recommend the Theater popcorn better since in your cases your putting up a film for your audience." He showed us the popcorn he brought with him. There was the butterfly popcorn, the mushroom popcorn, Rice popcorn, Pearl popcorn, and then, the Theater popcorn. Me and Taiwan got together and had a little discussion about it to see which one should we take. In the end, we chose the Theater popcorn, and only some of the butterfly popcorn. That part was her decision, she wanted some of them too, but I guess it would be nice to have two popcorn brands with us, in case we run out. "Okay, here you go you two," he hands us the bag of Theater popcorn and a half plastic bag of Butterfly popcorn. "You have fun over there!" Then as we leave, Mr. France waves goodbye to us while smiling with his eyes closed. Then when we return back to the stand, we see the place more decorated. "Uh, what's all this?" I ask curiously. Then both Hong Kong-san and China-san looked at me. "Oh, hey Japan," China greeted unexpectedly, "That was quick" then me and Taiwan look at each other and back at the two. "Well, you see, it was pretty much easy to find what we needed. So..." I answered awkwardly, "we, uh, happen to return because" "Ohh...." "ok, now tell me China, where did you and Hong Kong get all this stuff?" China's eyes go wide and he jumps a little in surprise and stares at me shocked and worried. Then a sweat drop appears on his head as he nervously smiles at me. "Uh, you know our decorations back home, right?" "Yes, what about it?" I started to sound real serious. "Uh, well, uh, we went back to get some, and, uh" "And what?" "Uh..." I looked at the designs really carefully and then quickly realized what was going on. "China, these decorations over here look an awful lot like Korea's...." then China raised his hand half way and said, "S-Shí?" Then my eyes completely widened from shock as I stare at China and Hong Kong, who both look at me concerned with sweat drops on both of thier heads. Then I surprisingly calmed down and just grabbed Taiwan by the hand as we walked past the two to set up the food. "Oh China....." What am I gonna do with him? Who knows what deal he struck with this country, just for props.

Taiwan's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"*Yawwwwwn* Vietnam, why do we need to come in early?" I asked her sleepy. Me and Vietnam were called by America-san to report to the World Academy W early to set up for the carnival. I'm so tired, I can't even remember how early in the morning he called me and Vietnam. Vietnam just sighed with her eyes closed and said, "I have no idea. I understand that it takes a while to set up a whole carnival, but goodness! Not even the sun's out fully....hmmm....only America...." even Vietnam is tired, she told me when he called her, she jumped up scard and awake and immediately picked up the phone, thinking it was an emergency call from her boss. "Hello? Sir?" "Naw, it's me, America, remember?" He teased. Then Vietnam gets a disgusted face and faces the phone. "America....first off, yes, I remember you.....second off, IT'S THE BREAK OF DAWN!!! WHY ARE YOU CALLING!!??" "Chill Vietnam! Chill! I'm calling because I need you to come around maybe....6:00? Somewhat around there to help set up the carnival?" She sighs and says, "okay, whatever, I will, but next time, call me when it's that exact time instead of calling beforehand!" "Okay, sorry about---" she hangs up on him and goes back to sleep. That's pretty much why she's tired, but when he called me, I had a sweeter reaction. I just told him I would come, and that's it. We finally arrived at the Academy and then departed our ways as I left to find Japan and Vietnam left, to, I think to help out with the race competition field, where there's a boat race, track and field race, and others too. then after a while of searching, I recognized the kenji writing and other Asian letters on the banners on the stand and immediately ran over. I wanted to make sure though, so I called out, "Japan?" when he turned around, it was him! And he looked handsome, he had a white t-shirt, a brown rope tied across his waist, and blueish black long pants. I think he even had a white rope tied across his forehead. Then I smiled goofy as I exciting say, "Yay! Japan! you're here!" Then it looked like I snapped him out of his thoughts again as he shoke his head and faced me with burning red cheeks. "So, what are we gonna do?" "Uh, How about we get the Anime and Manga prepared?" "Japan, we already got it ready..." China said slowly and worried. "What!? already!? What about the Boy and the Beast movie?" "All set to watch, and in english dub too" "Uh, what about Sailor Moon Crystal?" "Sorry Japan, She's over here with the rest of the dvds" Hong Kong said as he pointed to the dvd stack. Poor Japan, I think the poor thing became really embarrassed! Then he suddenly changed to a calmer state. "Surely We haven't gotten the food prepared yet, now have we?" He asked Hong Kong and China as they both respond, "Right?" "Alright, come on then Taiwan, let's go make the snacks for the audience," then he grabs me by the arm and runs off as we look for France. Then we finally see him by his Buffet stand with all his foods, treats, and snacks. Then he noticed us and turns around and smiles with his eyes closed. "Oh, bonjour friends!" "konnichiwa France-san" "Is there something I could help you with?" He asked with his signature smile. "Um, well, we wanted to see if you have popcorn and some water." "No sodas?" "Uh, leave that to the  American citizens who come by" Japan said ackwardly as his forehead went blue with concern. I can understand though, count on Americans to be the ones to drink entire sodas in, oh! Goodness only knows how long they can go. With all the eating and drinking contests his citizens have, I'd say they could if they wanted to. "Okay then, well," he leaves for a minute to go get some in the inside of the stand.
Then he comes back with some. "I have some different types of popcorn, but I recommend the Theater popcorn better since in your cases your putting up a film for your audience." Then he shows us the types of popcorn. There was the theater popcorn, butterfly popcorn, mushroom popcorn, and a couple of other choices, but after I talked with him a while, I told him to get the theater popcorn, and a half bag of the butterfly popcorn, just for emergency backup. "Okay, here you go you two," he hands me the butterfly popcorn and Japan the theater popcorn. "You have fun over there!" Then as we leave, Mr. France waves goodbye to us while smiling with his eyes closed. Then when we return back to the stand, we see the place surprisingly more decorated. There was banners, strings, confetti too I think? Then after China and Hong Kong notice us and explain why we came back fast, Japan decided to ask about the decorations. "So, where did all these decorations come from?" China looked worried with a sweat drop on his head. Oh boy, what did he do now? "Uh, you know our decorations back home, right?" "Yes, what about it?" "Uh, well, uh, we went back to get some, and, uh" "And what?" "Uh..." then Japan looks more carefully at one of the new decorations in the back and then recognizes it as Hanbok keychains and such other stuff like it. "China.....are these mr. Korea's decorations?" He asked curiously and worried as China gave him a ackward concerned face. "S-Shí?" Japan froze in shock as he looked at China with wide eyes. Hong Kong and China both then started to run up to each other and hug each other tightly, thinking Japan was getting even more angry. Then he suddenly calmed down and dragged me by the arm again to go set up the snacks. "Ohh China...." he sighs with a sweat drop on his head.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. China, what did you do? 😓

Hetalia: Taipan - What's this feeling?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang