Chapter #15- A Long Ride.

Start from the beginning

The mark was burning like hell, and I want him gone so that I can inspect my shoulder and see what the fuck is wrong.

He snatches my mobile from my hand, puts it in his pocket and wraps his hand aroumd my waist.

I try to wriggle free, but his hold is firm as he turns my body so that I am now facing him.

I glare at him and am about to give him a piece of my mind, but he is wicket than me as he pushes my hair away and buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"It is burning because we are fighting" he whispers and starts peppering kisses on my mark. His lips are literally like a balm to the burn.

"I am sorry" The words are out of my mouth before I can think them through and his lips pause their assault on my neck.

To hell with it.

"I won't say that I regret drugging you or something, because honestly, I don't. My brother is everything to me and I couldn't even patrol properly last night because I kept on thinking what is up with him and Becs. I had to go and see them... and I knew you wouldn't let me go alone and you needed your sleep-"

"You needed your sleep too" He cuts me off as he pulls his head back and stares at me.

"No, I didn't. I can manage on 2 hours of sleep a day. In fact, I have survived on even less before..." I trail off and rub my hand at his barely-there beard. it pricks my fingertips.


"Heat" I remind him and his face shuts off any emotion. But I am not lying or anything. When in heat, it was a miracle that I even managed to close my eyes!

"So I did what I did-" I continue explaining myself to him.

"After talking to Hades and Becs, I realized that I needed to fly down to Ibiza ASAP, so I went over to Alpha Ashton's office at the pack house to ask for a couple days of relief from my punishment... After leaving the pack house, I was going to come back to your apartment to pack our stuff up but you found me before that!"

"I thought someone had taken you away from me-"

"No one can take me away from you-"

"I thought you had left me-"

"I was on my way back-"

"I had a dream"

"I will never leave- What?"

"No. Not a dream. A nightmare" He cups my face in his hands.


"Spice. I am your Spice"

"Yes, you are"

"And you are my Sugar"

"Yes. Your dream?" I probe.

"My nightmare"

"What was it about?"

"I... I saw that you were taken away... and you were hurt and... and when I came to save you... to take you home with me... you didn't want me... you told me to stay... to stay away from you... to leave you... you won't let me touch you... and then... when I tried to take you anyway... you disappeared. As soon as I touched you... you disappeared" His hold on my face is going to leave a mark because it is paining like hell.

I don't tell him that though. I realize that he needs to make sure that I am there and for a moment, I am pissed at myself, for so easily shifting the blame on him.

Of course he was angry with me. If I were in his place, and I had had the same dream and woken up to see he was really not there beside me, I would've freaked out. Or worse, gone on a killing spree.

"You weren't there when I woke up" He murmurs.

"Why were you not there?" He asks, his voice child-like.

"I was coming back-"

"But why did you leave in the first place?!"

"I am sorry" I choke out when I see a mixture of fear and anger in his eyes that have welled up.

"No you are not" He laughs as he pushes me away and rubs his hands on his jeans.

I jump up, and settle myself on his lap and despite his struggles, wrap my hands around him.

"You slept only for 5 hours" I tell him. He doesn't say anything back. Just burries his face in my chest and sighs heavily. I notice that his right shoulder, where his mark is, is a shade of angry red.

"Go to sleep for sometime, Spice. Or the jet lag will be hell for you when we touch the ground in Ibiza" I nuzzle his neck and blow softly on his shoulder, figuring out that if I give him the same treatment that he had guven me, his burn will soothe too.

He laughs and the sound make his chest vibrate beneath me.

"I will never be able to sleep peacefully now. Never" he says softly and I pull back.


"Because if I sleep again, you might leave. Again"

"And what if I promise not to leave?"

"Then I'll laugh at your face" He deadpans.

"That's fair"

"Ummhmm" His eyes is filled with sleep though. We wolves (sans the likes of me) need our beauty sleep.

"But right now, in this plane, you can sleep. Because even if I wanted to-which I assure you I don't-I won't be able to go anywhere out of your reach" I state the obvious.

"I don't wanna risk it" he says and his eyes drift away from me to the parachutes hanging at the sides.

"I won't jump from a flying plane!" I gasp.

"Okay" He says.

"Now go to sleep"


"You are one stubborn Alpha"


"Ughh... you don't wanna sleep? Fine. Let me sleep then" With that said, I sneaj one last wet kiss on his mark (the one I gave him!!) and lay my head on his chest and close my eyes, waiting for sleep to come to me.

This is gonna be one hell of a long ride.


Hey there, my wolves!

Okay, first and foremost, sorry for the late update. I thought today was Tuesday, and only realized that I was living in the past when I saw Silence Breaking was updated today.

And I did not have the chapter written!!!

So I had to put this together in a rush and.. hence I am late.


Also, now we know who Teague's Mom had smelt in Canada outside T's house.
(If you have no idea what I am going on about, refer Chapter #7- Meet Teague and Melria... and Mrs. Anderson. (Part 1)

A lot of y'all thought it was Ulysses bit it wasn't. Sorry to disappoint, but seriously, if Ulysses was out there, do you really think he would have left without Del?!

Okay, my answer to the last chapter's question- My biggest fear is travelling alone in a rickshaw or a taxi or a cab or a car. I just cannot travel alone. I watch too many crime shows!!!

And... Question for today's chapter.

Q. Who is that one person with whom you can truly be yourself?

Tell me if you guys liked this chapter! Ignore the typos!!

I love you all.

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