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It was half past twelve.
Waves gently lapping the hull.

Several thoughts
drifted above the surface
as I saw
the whole Armada
set sail
to conquer the next Kingdom.

I suddenly thought about Ares.

I am...
At the very moment,
while staring
at my purplish painted cabin,
was thinking about Him...

by Phobos, Deimos, and Enyo
on his war chariot.

I am fascinated
on how they managed
to infiltrate
even the virtual world
with great ease.

I wonder
how he was feeling right now?

About waging
non-sense wars
to different camps.

Corrupting innocent minds
and sending posers
as mindless soldiers
to spread fear and terror.

Inflicting imminent
social death
to non-believers.


real significant ideas
for the sake of false
and eventually,
low- class barbaric entertainment.

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