Some Memories back in Random Places

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"What the hell was that were you trying to expose us huh? because it sure seems like it, your eyes were turning a different color god what am I going to do with you " I scolded Ryder when he woke up I didn't even give him a chance to explain himself.

That's when a sudden pain hit me I fell to the floor and I couldn't move and it was painful but I can bare it and I looked towards Ryder the same happened to him I closed my eyes and flahes of pictures but blurry so I focus on it


"Hey Ryder , I'm going to play upstairs wanna join?" I asked him

"Yeah , your my best friend I will always be with you " he said that made me smile

running upstairs with my little legs I called out

"Last one is the rotted egg "

"No fair you had a head start" Ryder pouted

"So , too bad i'm a girl and girls are awesome"

"No they have germs"

"That means you don't wanna be friends" my eyes started to water up

"I mean other girls not you , your my bestie for ever pinky promise" he held out his pinky I hook his pinky with mine and we hugged.

Flashback Ends

I opened my eyes and I tested if I could move my fingers when it was positive I could move I got up and turn to Ryder he was standing up we stare into each others eyes for 5 seconds and I turn around and left.

What my father said was ture I shut my door and threw a fire ball outta my hand but then with water I cleared it up.

Going around looking for Stevie Ray and Blake I ended up in front of Ray's room

"Come in"

"Can I ask you something" I walked in

"Well hello to you too" I completely ignored her


"Did you and Blake know that me and Ryder were like bestie when we were small because I met both of you before I met him" I said, maybe her mind was cleared too right she and Balke can't lie to me their like brother and sister to me that I never had

"Well I truth is that we knew all along but that was for thr best you go to understand we didn't want to see you hurt and in pain." she pleaded

"Excuse me I have to go" I said walking away

"Kate come back" she shouted

I ran out of the house and kept running as far as my legs take me , stopping when my legs gave out I looked over my surroundings and notice that I was in Ireland like I always ended up when I needed a break from my life , their was a medow here that was relaxing for me and it calmed me down. I decided to stay here for a couple of days.

That night I looked for a nice hotel , got a room and then went for a midnight walk

walking along a lake when a voice interrupted my train of thoughts

"so i'm amusing you escape feom your life and came here to clear your head" I turn to see a attarcted guy walk beside me his hair was blonde and bright blue eyes.

"Umm yeah your right" I chuckled

"By the way my name is Liam" he shook my hand

"My name is Katherine but you can call me Kate" I smiled

"Hey I have to go but here's my number if you ever need someone to talk to " I took the piece of paper and headed towards the hotel hopefully i'll be able to sleep.

Please check out my new story Living with Eight Sisters!! comment and vote of what you thought about this chapter , have a good night .

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