Party Time!

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I wasn't going to make a move and go over he can move here. I waited until finally he pushed his desk next to mine and there was a awkward silent which i decided to break it.

"Well i'm Kate and now i think we should start planning how were going to meet up and do the project because i surely as hell don't want to fail" i said avoiding eye contact

"Uh- ok well we can meet up at your plac-

"No i think that's a bad idea how about your's "i said because i couldn't let him find out what i was

"No not at mine either" he bluntly replied

"Ok then we can meet out in the medow just out of school its where the lake is if you want" i said

"Sure sounds fine" he said

After that we stayed silent until the bell rang i sped out of the class finally time to go home.

I arrived to my house running inside and getting ready for my Dad's announcement and for my modeling job

After all of that i came downstairs and found people starting to gather up i spotted my firends and went over

"Hey Guys" i said surprising them

"Hey you look soo hot" They said in unsion

"Thanks" i blushed

"Okay may i have your attention please thank you now settle down as you all know i have something to tell you people our enemies are around this area soo please take aware from this be careful and make sure your children don't go out late at night." My dad spoke

"Well that means we can't go to the party" i said happily

"Not that fast we're still going" Blake said whispering

"Didn't you hear my dad" i whisper yelled

"No i didn't" he said using scarcam

"So your in other words saying were sneaking out" i said trying to catch up in al of this because i really never sneaked out before and i usually have panic attacks which i end up fainted it wasn't so much of a pretty sight

"Yes that's what were saying" Ray said

"Well i'm not sure if i can" i said walking out the door as they tail behind me

"Oh c'mon Kate it's not that bad"Blake said

"I don't know" i said shaking my head

I turned around when there was no answer back only to come beyond Two set of eyes giving me the puppy eyes damn they are using my weakest piont i just gave in

"Fine" i said speeding away


There was something off about that girl Kate but she was a beauty she had a pale skin and sea green eyes and her hair a dark brown. She was a little fiesty. All come to my mind is her when she said no to coming to her house i know i said no to but i had a good reason to the reason is because i'm a hybird.


Once i finished all my photoshoots i went back to England to only meet my waiting friends in front of my doorstep. That's when i became more nerveous than ever. I turned around and was about to ger away but it was late both my arms were grabbed and i was put into a car

"We had to sorry "ray said

"Ughh why i hate parties!" i shouted

We arrived in minutes to some upon a big house no bigger than mine's though I guess it's party time.

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