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Authors Note-7/23/18: I wrote this over a year ago, and it's HORRIBLE. I recommend reading my oneshot book instead, unless you like horribly cliché things. If you do, then read on.
I step out of the cab, my lips parting as I stare up at the daunting building in front of me.

Buildings, actually. There's a huge school, with classrooms and an office, which is the building in my field of view. Surrounding that are little dorms, build from stone and wood, where all the kids live. Where I will live.

Oh, joy.

A short woman holding a clipboard hurries up to me, dodging hordes of students, who all give her a wide berth.

"George Ross?" She asks, tapping her clipboard with a pudgy finger.

"That's me, although I prefer to be called Ryan. George is, well was, my father." I say, straight faced.

"Alrighty then, George." She says, ignoring my request completely. "You're our special case, hm? From the government. All very exciting!" She says, patting my back. I flinch at her touch.

"I'm Principal Whatsit, and I run this institution." She says, leering at me. Of course, her name isn't actually that, but I can't be bothered to learn it. I'll be kicked out of here in weeks, so what's the point of trying or learning?

"Now, here at Capetown Preparatory, you'll get the complete educational experience. In fact, 90% of our graduates have attended Ivy League colleges, and..."

At this point, I'm tuning her out. She slowly walks me towards my dorm, pointing out different buildings as we go, and I nod and smile every few seconds, focusing on the weight of my suitcase thumping against my legs.

"Normally, we'd register you with your parents in the main office, but because you're a special case, we've got you all set up!" She says, and I press my lips together angrily, nodding.

We enter one of the dorms, where a group of boys around my age are playing ping-pong in a big common area. A couple scoff and look me up and down, and a few nod as a greeting, but I respond to nothing. I see the looks in their eyes, I see how they view me: like an outsider.

And that's fine by me, because I am one.

She guides me into a room upstairs, handing me a key.

"This is your room!" She says, sweeping her arms across the room. There's two beds, two dressers, and two desks. On the side is a doorway that leads to what I'm assuming is a bathroom, and a hot plate is placed on the other side, along with a small table and two chairs.

One bed is stripped bare, with three pillows. The other side has a large, open trunk, and the bed has fluffy dark blue bedding, the desk covered in junk already.

"Your roommate has already arrived, as you can see, and let me tell you, he's a charmer. Been going to this school for years, and such a great young mind too! You'll meet him in a minute. Anyway, the rules are simple; no parties, no drugs or alcohol, no trashing your room, and you have to be in your here by 11 PM every night. No exceptions." She says, and I nod, setting my suitcase at the end of my bed.

"Ah!" Principal Whatsit says, motioning to the door with a fleshy finger. "There's your roommate now!"

I turn to the where she's motioning, not knowing what to expect. I guess a cross bearing, farm fresh, 100% All-American white boy.

What I get instead is.. well, I'm gonna let my gay show, here, and say simply, melt in your mouth, wet dream causing, sex on legs.


He's beautiful.

Tall, like me. Maybe an inch shorter, and with more meat on his bones, which isn't saying much, because I'm a skinny little prick, but still. He's slender, but I can see hard muscle bulging under his plain white tee shirt. He has a sharp jawline, and angular cheekbones, with a pale dusting of freckles across his face. He has huge amber eyes, full of emotion, and long dark lashes. Beautiful lips, too, full and soft looking, and a slightly crooked nose. On anyone else, it'd look grotesque, but he pulls it off, making his face stand out even more.

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