Chapter 4: new people

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Beach...Lea's p.o.v.

School was over after math,yay, it seemed kinda short. But I guess I was pasted out pretty much all day.
Josh took me to the beach. I've always loved the beach ever since I was little. My mom said I would swim in the water for hours, and hours,and she would have to drag me out of the water cause I didn't want to ever leave. She would tell me stories of mermaids and dolphins. She even called me her little mermaid... I miss her so much.

Josh: what you thinkin about...

He snapped me out if my thought...

Lea: oh ,sorry um,what did you say?

Josh: I said what are you thinking about?

Lea: oh, yeah,um nothing.

He knew i was lying.

Josh: (looks at me in the eyes) you can tell me anything Lea, you can trust me.

Oh I wanna tell him I really do but I don't want him to think my life's a mess. Which it is kinda.

Lea:  (sigh) nothing, really I'm ok.

Josh: ok well ,let's go.

Lea: go where?

Josh: in the water duh, its a beach ,so what do we do at beaches,we get in the water. Ok got ?it lets go.

He grabs my wrist and drags me to the water.

Lea: I can't go in...

Josh: why do you not know how to swim or something?

Lea: I don't have a bathing suit on underneath.

Josh: well just take your shirt off.

Lea: What?No!

Josh: come on no-one will notice and its just for today, because from now on you learned your lesson and you will always wear your bathing suit underneath.

Lea: fine ,just for today. By the way don't talk to me like I'm 2 .

Josh: Ok I'll talk to you like your 4. Now lets go.

Lea: (rolls eyes)whatever.

So I basically strip down into my black sports bra and my black underwear.I'm walking towards the water when Josh runs towards me picks me up and starts running then he drops me in the crystal clear blue water.

Lea: hey...(splashes him with water)

Josh: What? you were taking forever.(splashes me with water) and by the way you look fine actually you look great.(blushes)

I've always been really insecure about my looks. But for once someone other than my mom made me feel good about myself. I blush as I look at his Brown messy hair,his tan skin, and most of all his eyes, they were blue like the water.all of a sudden two girls come up to us. One with Brown hair and a floral bikin,the other one with black hair and a plain red biki, both really tan.

Red bikini girl: wow Josh a few days into school and you already have a girlfriend.

Josh: hey girls this isn't my girlfriend she's just a friend.

Lea: Yeah um we aren't dating.(i say nervously)

there both really pretty and they're friends with him too.

Floral bikini girl: well anyways your new right?

Lea: yeah

Is it that obvious.

Floral bikini girl: well I'm Rachel and this is...(she points over to the other girl)

Red biki girl: Jessica, hi nice to neet. you.

They both seem nice.

Lea: hey, I'm Lea.

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