"He probably went home," she looked down at her feet as she walked, tucking spray away strands of hair behind her hair self-consciously, then looked up at me with her eyes watery. "I really worry about him."

"Well lets not think about it tonight," I began and she gave me a confused looked. "Do you want to come over and hang out?"

"Well... I usually don't head to 3rd base this quick, meeting the parents and all," she nudged me playfully with her elbow, "but for you, sure." I shook my head a little, chuckling lowly.

"Okay, just meet me after school, in the front," I said as we entered our 5th period class, "we'll walk, since I don't live that far away from the school." She nodded her head and made her way to her seat as the bell rang and again, I went to the teacher and she assigned my seat and gave me a shit load of stuff.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I waited for Rebecca because she had to go back to her locker to grab some stuff before she went to my place. Finally when she had made it to the outside, we started to walk down the street and towards my house. The first few minutes were silent as Rebecca typed away on her phone; so I decided to pull out my own phone, seeing that Kayla had texted me

Enjoy the California life yet? ;) Meet anyone famous?

I quickly typed my reply, letting a small smile spread across my lips as I could imagine her saying that to me, nudging me playfully as Rebecca had did today.

I just ran into Lady Gaga today, jealous? I miss you.

As Rebecca and I turned into the richer part of the suburbs, cool breeze blows by across my cheeks, making me shiver slightly. I glanced down at Rebecca and she looked at me curiously to see if that we were going the right way; I just smirked playfully and continued to walk down the street, passing extravagant mansions one after another.

Then I turned down a street with houses not as nearly as big as the mansions, but very stylish and very expensive. I then spotted my house, with my red Dodge, Challenger in front of it, just begging me to drive it. Rebecca started playing a game, where she was trying to guess which one was my house, as a game because she figured I was average, like her, and we were just passing on by this neighbor. She was in for a rude awakening.

"Wait, that's your house," She pointed towards my actual house, making me laugh historically inside my head , "With that very nice 2012 Challenger in front of it. If only if we could actually afford such a nice car..." She trailed off as we neared my house.

Then diverted from her, dashing up the driveway of my house; Rebecca giving me a curious look as she still stood in the street, watching me absentmindedly. I headed towards the front door, knocking on it a few times and she started to panic, telling me to get back down to her, so that we could go before the people answered the door..

"No," I said, trying to hold back from laughing, "I want to ask how they can afford such a nice car!" I yelled across towards Rebecca, banging on my front door again. No one was home because they were all at their jobs, so if I did this when they were home, they would have killed me.

"Adam! Knock it out!" I quickly slipped my key into the door knob without Rebecca noticing and pretended the door opened. "ADAM!"

"Hello," I pretended to be talking to someone else, peering into my neat home, staring at a chair as if it was a person, "I wanted to know how you could afford such a nice car as that one in front of your house!" I looked behind me at Rebecca who covered her face in embarrassment from absolutely nothing. I figured I should stop and whistled at her, grabbing her attention, waving her towards me. "Come on, Rebecca."

She looked at me and I held up my key to the house and her jaw dropped a few inches and she furrowed her eyebrows together, "You are so mean!" She ran towards me and looked through the door into my home, "So... you're rich?"

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