Ch. 14 : Are you like some secret millionaire I don't know about?

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The next week just flew by. I mean, I had a few problems with my way of traveling through the halls. I got a few stares. Okay, I'm kidding, I got like a million. But like I said, thinking about Alex and how he's there for me, always makes me feel better.

Before I knew it, it was Friday. Alex always gives me rides to and from school. He had just dropped me off at my house saying "Pick you up at 6."

I hobbled my way upstairs and got out the dress that I had bought for homecoming. But when I attempted suicide, I was in rehab for a year, so I never got to go.

I was surprised it still fit. It was black with what looked like millions of white tiny paint splatters all over. It had a black and white intertwined lace belt around the waist with a black bow in the center.

It was strapless, and flowed out past the waist. Its one of those dresses that when you spin, they flutter out. It was totally me.

I managed to get it on and then scramble over to get my crutches. I applied some black mascara and  black eyeliner. By the time I was done with that, I slipped on a small black jacket and my black and white Converse. Classy, I know.

 I looked at my phone and saw it was quarter till. I left my phone on my bedside table and hopped downstairs. When I reached the bottom my mom was walking to the kitchen and stopped when she saw me.

"Nova, you look...Beautiful." She said, tears almost forming as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Mom, can't breathe here." I said as she loosened her grip.

"Sorry." She said wiping away her tears. "You just look so grown up."

"I am almost sixteen. I'm going on a date with Alex."

Her eyes perked up. "Date?" She said as a smile formed on her face.

"Yeah mom, a date."

"Okay, I'll get out of your way." Just as she said that the doorbell rang.

"Have fun." She said hugging me once more and walking into the kitchen.

I opened the door to expect regular, casual dressed Alex, but when I opened the door I was shocked.

He had on a black dress shirt, dark blue jeans and his hair was gelled back. 

We stared at eachother for a minute, taking in eachother's outfits before we finally looked eachother in the eye.

"You look lovlely tonight Nova." He said holding out his hand.

"You look pretty spiffy yourself." I said.

He smiled and said "Shall we?" In an awful fake British accent.

I grabbed his hand and played along "We shall." I said in a matching accent.

I hopped on my crutches to his car. He grabbed my crutches and put them in the back seat.

When he got in the driver's seat he kissed me on the cheek. "You do look beautiful tonight Nova."

I blushed at his comment and muttered a small "Thanks."

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked in confusion, cause he never had told me where.

"It's a surprise." He said smirking.

"Understatement of the year." I said sitting back into my seat.


We traveled pretty far out, until I started to reconize the surroundings.

"Hey, where are we going?" I said looking out the window at the familiar sights, ones I've seen my entire life.

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