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I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this is happening.

Her head pounded and she was trembling uncontrollably. Her first encounter with lycans and she'd had to deal with three of them trying to do whatever they were going to do. And her rescuer had imprinted on her. Dad, what have you gotten me into?

She gasped when a thick arm came around her waist. He easily helped her to her feet. Instead of thanking him, she struggled against his tightening hold.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said softly. "I couldn't."

Well, at least that was true if she believed her father's journals. Kira looked into the most brilliant emerald green eyes she'd ever seen. They almost glowed in the soft fluorescent lights of the hallway, and her anxiety rose a notch. The others in the alley — their eyes had been murderous: a mix of orange and black that had pierced the darkness of a moonless night.

"I'll make sure you get in okay," he said with sincerity.

His look had shifted from the shocked and almost fearful one he'd had in the elevator to one of shy longing. Not the romantic kind, but a genuine desire to serve. It was borderline pitiful, especially considering his drenched black locks and his soggy jacket and jeans. And he was dripping in sweat, even though the evening's spring air held a slight chill.

But she didn't know who he was or why he had even been in the alley. She owed him her life, but nothing else. Nothing that imprinting would suggest. I've got to read that part about imprinting again, she mused while staring at her rescuer, wrapped in an embrace that was becoming all too warm and comfortable. The only thing about imprinting that stuck with her was that it meant a life pact.

She didn't move and hoped she hadn't encouraged him to stay.

"Indulge me, please," he said.

So, he wasn't easily discouraged. She looked around for the first time and noticed they were on her floor. Her eyes swiftly moved to his. I didn't punch the button. She placed two hands firmly on his chest to push him back but stopped. His brows rose slightly and his lips parted, twitching a bit into the shape of a grin.

Is he aroused?

She snatched her hands back. Whatever he was, he was definitely unassuming. She reconsidered her previous action and decided to go for it. Her hands landed on his pecs, and she shoved him hard and sprinted in the opposite direction.

I'm running from a werewolf. Kira, what are you thinking? He's going to catch you! Her head pounded from exertion and her muscles had tightened since she was thrown against the alley wall. She nearly fell into her door and fumbled around in her jacket pocket for the keys to her apartment. A presence at her side made her yelp.

He was already there.

"What was that?" he asked in a hurt voice.

Kira nearly rolled her eyes. "I have no idea," she mumbled and forced her hand to steady. She unlocked the door.

"I said I wouldn't hurt you."

She whirled and then wished she hadn't. Her head throbbed where it had struck the concrete and the room spun. She willed her gaze to focus on the man in front of her instead of the encroaching darkness as a quick faint felt more and more like a pleasant escape. "And how do I know that? I don't know who you are except that a few of your buddies tried to—"

"They're not my buddies," he growled and then pushed open her door and stomped inside.

"Hey!" She didn't want to follow him and be alone with him. She hesitated at the threshold. "What are you doing?"

By Moon or By Blood 1: ImprintWhere stories live. Discover now