"He's dead Damita. Gone. All you've got is you, because I'm taking those kids."She added, walking up to Damita.

"Don't you dare speak that way about Amaru. Aaliyah and Junior don't want to be with you. My kids love me."She replied with tears in her eyes.

"For now. After a while they'll hate you just like Amari."Katherine replied.

"I guarantee she doesn't hate me as much I hate you."Damita yelled and got up from her chair. 

"What's going on in here? What's wrong?"Joseph asked, walking over to Damita.

"I pray you realize before it's too late. This wicked bitch is gonna drive you to hell."Damita nodded her head and walked out.

Amaru and Aaliyah had been standing outside of the kitchen the whole time. They heard everything. They had never known Katherine to be so wicked. She was always so nice to them.

Damita walked out of the door and they silently followed until they reached the car. "Mom, I'll drive home if you want me to. I remember the way."Amaru suggested. He had just gotten his permit two weeks prior, so he was very eager to drive.

"Go ahead son."Damita agreed, walking over to the passenger seat. That argument with Katherine got me thinking.

Thinking about Amari and their relationship. She didn't want her and Amari to end up like her and Katherine.

She wanted to talk to her, she wanted to make things right with her. She wanted her to see her for who she truly was and not the mental, evil and negligent woman Katherine made her out to be.

Damita sat in the front seat pondering on if she should text Afeni or not. She Amari probably wouldn't be up for it, she treated her like a stranger whenever she came around.

"Ma, we're home."Amaru said, snatching Damita out of her thoughts. She had just been staring at Amari's number the whole time.

"Are you guys hungry? Did you eat?"Damita asked.

"I'm not, are you Amaru?"Aaliyah asked.

"I could eat."He laughed.

"You want pizza?"Damita asked.

"Ooh yeah let's goto Luciano's!!"Aaliyah squealed and clapped her hands.

"I thought you weren't hungry."Amaru laughed, climbing over to the passenger seat. "I guess I am now."Aaliyah laughed.

Damita pulled out of the driveway and turned down a back street where she was sure to pass by Afeni's house. She wanted to see if Amari was home, but she wasn't, so she just continued to drive.

"Momma, did you hear what I said?"Amaru asked.

"I'm sorry honey, I wasn't listening. What'd you say?"Damita asked.

"I asked if I did good driving home. Did I?"Amaru asked.

"You did great baby. I'm sorry I wasn't listening to you. When you take your test in a few months, I might let you drive your dads old car."She replied.

"Really?"Amaru asked excitedly.

"Only on days when you don't have practice though. I'm not comfortable with the idea of you and your sister in the car at night by yourselves yet."Damita explained, as they entered the parking lot.

"That's fine with me."Amaru replied with a big smile.

"Mommy, can we eat here?"Aaliyah asked.

"That's fine. You two go inside and find a table. I'll be there in a second."She sighed and they climbed out.

She had finally worked up the courage to call the person who had the answers to her problem. Afeni.

She dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Damita? Is something wrong? Is it the kids?"Afeni rambled.

"No, nothing's wrong. I called to speak to you actually."She said nervously biting her lip.

"Are you okay?"Afeni asked.

"No, I'm really not."Damita sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"What's wrong? Do you need me to get the kids?"Afeni asked.

"No, No they're fine. I talked to Katherine today. It made me realize that I need to talk to Amari. I don't want her to hate me, like I... well you know."Damita explained.

"You are not Katherine. As much as Amari hates to admit it, she loves you. I know she does."Afeni replied, trying to lift Damita's spirits.

"How do you know?"Damita asked, wiping her eyes.

"Trust me Damita, I know. If you want me to set something to for you I can."Afeni suggested. "When's a good time for you?"

"Tomorrow at 12:00. That's what time I leave the office."Damita explained. "Thank you."

"She'll be there. I'll make sure of it."Afeni chuckled.

"I love you Damita. I always have. I just want to know that."Afeni smiled through the phone.

"I love you too...I'm sorry."Her voice cracked.

"You don't have anything to apologize for honey. You're fine. Kiss the twins for me okay?"Afeni replied, making Damita smile.

"Alright."She chuckled and then they hung up. Damita then pulled herself together and joined her kids in the booth they picked.

Family Ties (BOOK V)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz