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C H A P T E R    T W E N T Y - N I N E;

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - N I N E;

"Are you alright, Hermione?"

Hermione nodded and subtly moved her hand away from the bothersome scar. At least the words were fading away, however, the memory of Bellatrix tormenting and torturing her would never leave. Thinking about it didn't help though.

The recalls only made her more certain that Amortentia was in fact her. "Just a scratch." Draco nodded. Staring off into the distance Draco's mind lapsed back to when the courtyard's pillar had crumbled to the ground; when the crowd was split. Dark-caped Death Eaters stood in a compacted crowd, every witch or wizard bearing a grin; knowing that they'd be the ones who were victorious.

Draco remembered when the only person he thought could end the war was Harry when he looked into his parents' eyes and knew that he was the worst son they could ever be.

Draco turned his head to look at Hermione. He didn't understand why the two seemed to be inconveniently tied together. Malfoy, however, had a slight suspicion it was far too convenient. Maybe Amortentia was trying to tell him something...

That was highly unlikely....

Amortentia couldn't be Hermione Granger.... If she was she'd know. If she was this whole dilemma would've been sorted a long time ago.

Looking at her closely, Draco remembered when Pansy and Blaise sent him to talk to Hermione...

But they couldn't know... Could they?

"Hermione..." Granger felt her chest tighten at the call of her name, she knew that he knew, but she wasn't sure if he was going to say. Hermione braced herself, her fist squeezed tightly. She wasn't sure how she could put him down gently.

"I may be your soulmate, but I'm just not ready???" A deep breath calmed down Hermione's nerves. "What is it?" She asked quietly. She almost said in a faint whisper, yet there was no-one around. Everyone was still inside the Great Hall.

Hermione was confused, nervous, anxious; anything she would normally before a meeting with the Minister or before an exam or test of some kind.

"I don't know what it's called... It may be infatuation. I know that I'll never be able to get you to forgive me but you are the one.... Please understand. To be honest, you're so intelligent, you obviously knew before me. You don't have to say 'yes', that's not needed. But I want to know that I can trust someone... Can that be you, Hermione?" Hermione blinked her eyes quickly. She never thought this whole thing had only happened in a couple of weeks. Well before this, Hermione never thought she would have the ability nor the strength to start the journey of forgiving Malfoy.

However, she wanted to start. It was the only way this whole dilemma could be sorted. Whether they stay together or not, Hermione wanted to see if she could learn to understand Draco. Ever since her last year at Hogwarts, she had felt caged up, that the only people she could trust were Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Fern and a few others.

"I'm not going to say 'no'." Hermione looked at Draco and stared into his light blue, almost grey eyes. Something about them said that this was the key to a new beginning, and Hermione had to tell herself that everything was going to be fine.

The ending was uncertain, but with so much dragging her down Hermione Granger was indeed in need for some fun and excitement once more.

No more words were shared between the two, and walked into the Great Hall and went their separate ways. Hermione was glad she could smile again, not because someone had cracked a joke but because she had a warm feeling in her heart.

She hadn't developed feelings for Malfoy, but she could say that if it happens she won't regret it or be frightened. Draco Malfoy was a changed man, and she was glad she could see that change come right before her very eyes.

'Change comes at the end of your comfort zone.' Hermione had had those words fixated in her mind, these words spoken to her the day she received her Hogwarts Acceptance Letter at the tender age of 10.

Dating Malfoy was definitely a leap well beyond her comfort zone. Ten years ago she would never think such a thing would be possible. 'Times have changed, new things are the key to happiness.'

She only had to believe.

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