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C H A P T E R    S E V E N; 



She looked up at Ron nervously as they held hands at the altar. Hermione was all dressed up, absolutely gorgeous. It had taken months of tedious work and the day had finally come. The day she would be known as 'Hermione Weasley'. Ron's forehead was beading with sweat, clutching onto 'Mione's hands nervously. Little did she know that a lot had changed in the seven months since he proposed. 

Been taken to numerous late nights at the Leaky Cauldron, Ron didn't expect to meet anyone new. He didn't even know her name, but he felt so bad. Poor 'Mione. The girl he had loved for so long was going to marry him, and he didn't deserve it. Ronald Weasley had no idea what thoughts were going through his head at the time. But he knew he had cheated on her.  

Harry, Neville, and Seamus all knew, they didn't know what to do either. It seemed that for once Ron would have to choose all by himself. 


Draco Malfoy for some random reason had been invited to the Weasel's wedding with the Mudblood. And he didn't know why he accepted the invitation. It had only been two days since Pansy and Blaise suggested that he go to the Granger for his lovesick advice. He deemed it would be a kind gesture to go. 

Things seemed to change after the war, for everyone. 

People seemed to be more tolerant of each other. Prejudice was a thing of the past and hate was something long gone. But why him, he had bullied the two on numerous occasions and helped to plan the murder of Albus Dumbledore. And Draco thought that the Golden Trio have changed as well. 


'I can't.' Ron muttered to himself. He blinked quickly and looked at Hermione with a pitiful and sorrowful look on his face. Tears began to trickle down his cheek as he slowly let go of his 'to-be wife's' hands. 

Hermione's stomach flipped as she began to feel tears fall down her porcelain face. It couldn't be. He didn't want to be with her for the rest of her life. 

'Mione, you cannot explain the sorrow in my heart. I am so sorry.' And briskly walking away, Ronald Weasley left the Gryffindor Princess at the altar. 


Draco watched as Ronald stormed away as Hermione crumpled to her knees, and as she cried out in misery. Draco really had not the faintest clue what to do. Hurt the Weasel or help the Mudblood. Draco slithered across the aisle to where many of Hermione's classmates and friends were helping Granger to her feet. 


'The git never deserved you 'Mione.' Ginny hushed, rubbing Hermione's back soothingly as she sat down on a chair. 

'Ron's a bastard. Please be okay Herm!'

'We all love you 'Mione! You can get through this!'


'Draco!' He heard a voice whispered, Draco shot around to see Fern. She smiled at him before moving closer so no one could hear. 

'Try get to the Ministry tomorrow and talk to Herm. I'll see what I can do.' And without another clarification or explanation. Fern left him to help Ginny to walk a distressed Hermione leave the Church. 

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