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C H A P T E R    F I F T E E N;



An ice-cream was their usual meal that they seemed to share with each other every time they would meet up on Tuesdays. Hermione always made sure not to make the meet-ups too public. Rather they would buy the food from a muggle kiosk and then take a long walk across the rocky beaches. She could see that Draco was always rather tense whenever she began a conversation. After stuffing him into a cupboard she expected no less.

"Draco, so I suppose we should start work now?" Draco didn't reply to Hermione question and simply nodded his head before Hermione tapped her finger by some rocks that made a wall.

"So what did Pansy suggest I do?" She asked, checking her surroundings before pulling out the wand and keeping it closely by her side.

"Maybe a spell..." In an instant, Hermione muttered a spell under her breath sending Draco flying, slamming his back into a boulder. Draco groaned loudly and slid down. Hermione stood in front of him with a sneer plastered on her face.

"I told you Malfoy to get lost!" She yelled, Draco, his head throbbing madly sought out a blurry image of Hermione, however, her eyes weren't fixed on him, instead she was looking up and he could only imagine that to be a friend of her's.

Obviously, Hermione hadn't changed, she was still scared to show the world that he was a good person now.

'I'm very sorry Draco.' The voice echoed in his head. She was obviously apologising for everything, making his life far more annoying and not telling him who she was. Draco felt himself fume with anger at Hermione, she could have been a little more generous and just shoved him away. But with everything blurring his head he really wasn't sure what she had done.

"Get away Malfoy!" Hermione screamed flashing another spell at Malfoy. She waited until the couple she recognised from Hogwarts had passed before she cursed quietly under her breath, wishing she wouldn't have to hurt him like that.

She wished that Rita Skeeter and all the stupid people like her could just shut their useless mouths and stare off at something that involved them, that could make the world a better place. She wished that she could tell her friends that Draco Malfoy had finally changed, that he was looking for help to get himself in the right mindset, she wanted to be able to talk to him in open conversation. She wished she could smile with him when he said something funny.

She wished the world wouldn't be so cruel.

Hermione scrapped her knees against the glassy sand and bent Draco's head back to see how much pain she had caused, a line of seeping blood was trickling slowly down his neck, staining his white collar and hiding behind his jacket. Out of necessity, Hermione untangled the jacket, which she supposed was rather expensive, given he would wear it and mumbled curse words whenever Hermione playfully kicked sand in his face. Wrapping the sleeves around his neck she waited till the bleeding was calming before she performed the 'episkey' spell to stitch the wound together.

She knew that she couldn't leave Malfoy to sleep on the sand and she also knew that her cottage didn't have enough things to hopefully wake him up.

But she knew a little place in Diagon Alley that contained the perfect remedies for nearly any problem, the store she helped open, the store run by Malfoy's right-hand woman. It was Pansy's Potions.

Apparating, with a sleeping Draco, clutched to her was a difficult process and Hermione wished silently that no one was in the back of the shop in that very moment to see the scene in front of them.

Pansy dragged herself to wake after hearing something crash to the ground, half-asleep, the girl had to slide on the floor from her counter to see two bodies lying aimlessly on the ground.

Without further investigation, Pansy let a small smirk creep onto her face as she watched Hermione fix herself before dusting off Draco and sighing in annoyance. Pansy giggled quietly before Hermione had noticed the entrance and coughed loudly, a pink blush rising immediately to her cheeks.

Pansy, like a hawk of some kind, assessed the mess before her, carefully making sure she didn't trend on his sprawled fingers which were purple in colour. It didn't take long before she realised that she needed to help her favourite couple. The girl pushed aside her hair and scanned her eyes across the numerous labels with assorted colours and labels until her eyes laid on a bruise and cut remedy that was her newest concoction.

Twisting the tight cork loose, Pansy smiled as she heard the potion bubble and she sound it alike music that Fern loved to play on her wind-up radio.

Bending back down to Hermione who was frantically unting Draco's jacket from around his neck.

Widening her eyes Pansy not only noticed the reason why Draco was unconscious, but how dangerous things could be now. Looking upon his wound Pansy couldn't help but feel nauesous, it was a brand new board game altogether.

"Welcome to Pansy's Potions, and please don't tell me you did that Hermione."

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