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C H A P T E R   T W O


Pansy sat in her shop, her legs tapping against the back wall, humming to a song which she had made up. Different types of cauldrons and vials of potions surrounded her around the numerous shelves, Pansy couldn't help but feel terrible.

She felt terrible that Draco would now having to go searching endlessly for his soulmate, for all they knew, it could be with someone on the other side of the world. Love was a mysterious thing.

She put Draco Malfoy in a game. Worst of all a love game. He could get hurt, really hurt.

The tingle of the bell on the door opening made Pansy lift herself up from her comfy chair and she saw her one and only best friend smiling at her.

"Pansy...." The young man seemed to be in a dizzy trance. Pansy wasn't entirely sure what had caused it. The numerous bottles of alcohol that Malfoy had supposedly drunk or her version of Amortentia. Pansy invisibly crossed her fingers just hoping her friend was just drunk. But then again, she could have wished for something entirely different.

Draco was staggering around like he was limping. His body shifting uncomfortably to the right awkwardly and Pansy swore she heard a crack of joints. As the young man moved his foot swayed out to the right. Bringing an entire stack of books, potions and painting tumbling to the ground.

Pansy couldn't take any more of it and soon she had pulled out her chair and grabbed Draco by the shoulders and shoving him into the seat. His head lying at an awkward angle and him grinning like a fool.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Pansy half shouted, hissing at the deformed figure of Slytherin Prince; rubbing her forehead to erase a nasty headache that seemed to come with handling her drunk ex-boyfriend.

Pansy crouched down on all fours to retrieve the broken mess before shaking her head in despair and mumbling a simple spell to fix the disaster that lay before her eyes.

Pansy subconsciously ignored the faint sound of a door closing from behind her, only to scream when a cold hand rested on her collarbone.

"Please tell me he's drunk or asleep." Fern Goyle tilted her head to the side and crouched down to bring Draco's head straight. Feeling his head for a possible cold or something of the sort.

"Both or maybe I killed him," Pansy said, not caring in the slightest what she mustered to reply. Fern was a good friend, the new wife of Draco's school bodyguard Gregory. She thought that Fern was out of the country, on her honeymoon. But then Pansy could only assume the couple stayed due to their friend's monstrous state.

Fern shot her a glare to which Pansy replied with a simple shrug. Pansy saw Fern rolling her eyes and mumbling something under her breath before examining a broken man.

"Did you give him the Amortentia?" Pansy nodded and grabbed the vial which was still in her little pouch. There were some drops remaining but they wouldn't come in handy.

"There's a little bit left but that's not important..." Pansy was about to place the potion back on its proper shelve before Fern grabbed her hand and took the vial and dug her hand into her pocket.

"I know you are concerned Pansy. Don't lie to me. I have a brilliant idea."

Pansy's eyebrow raised as Fern's hand was thrown into the air holding a gorgeous pendant. Shaped into a three-dimensional heart. She placed the pendant on Pansy's front desk and walked over to Draco who was staring at the blank ceiling, most likely asleep. She carefully plucked a platinum blonde hair and placed it beside the pendant. She swirled her wand in the faint formation of the heart and held the pendant triumphantly.

"By connecting the Amortentia and Draco's hair this pendant will warm up to whenever it comes near Draco's soulmate. Just like we wanted. We'll find her and make her fall in love with him and ta-da!" Pansy played out the odds and nodded, the potion, unlike normal Amortentia, wouldn't make Draco immediately realise who he loved, rather would lead him to love her genuinely when they found her.

The next step was to find the dream girl.

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