krispy kreme

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Once she entered the room and saw Jason with her own eyes, a weighted lifted from Julian. While she knew that no one would lie to her about Jason, seeing him in person was a relief. She placed herself in the chair next to his bed grabbing his hand and holding it. She looked at his face, seeing his eyes open quickly. She expected to see tired eyes, but they were bright and mischievous. "Now is not the time to be an ass, Jason!" she said hitting his shoulder. He winced and Julian's mouth fell immediately. "Oh my god!" she whispered into her hands. "I'm so sorry, Jase!"

He looked up from his shoulder a smirk on his face and Julian rolled her eyes. "You're such an ass, how'd I ever think differently?"

"Good question," he said with a smile. He pulled their hands up so he could look at them. "I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah, well, I'm happy that you're alive." His smile fell, a guilty look on his face.

"I guess I deserved that."

"You guess?" she shrieked. The door opened quickly, the doctor and Mr. Scott rushing in to see what caused the sound. Julian looked from Jason sheepishly, both men looking at her. "That was me, sorry about that."

The doctor nodded before turning to Jason, ready to ask questions. "How are you feeling, Jason?"

He looked over at Julian and then his father, knowing that it would not be the time to make a joke to lighten the mood. "My knee hurts the most, but other than that I just feel achy."

"That's to be expected, you did get in a bad car accident." Jason grimaced at the doctor's words, his hand tightening on Julian's unknowingly. She glanced down at their hands, suppressing the smile on her face. "We need to talk about that, Jason." He paused, causing Julian to feel out of place. She was about to get up from her chair to leave when Jason shook his head.

"I wasn't drinking, sir. I just crashed." Mr. Scott shook his head angrily but didn't leave the room alone.

"Well, whatever the reason is, it's going to be trying recovery, Jason. We'll get you walking today, as the surgery wasn't that intrusive, but you'll need to wear a brace for a while." While Julian wasn't exactly surprised at the news, Jason had no reaction which slightly concerned her. "I'll leave you to talk about future options."

The doctor left the room, leaving the two Scotts and Julian in silence. Mr. Scott was clearly disappointed in his son, the frown on his face growing by the minute. "Jason, I can't-"

"Excuse us," said the officer from earlier with a partner knocking on the door. "We'd like to have a few words with Jason."

Julian looked down to her best friend, giving him a sad look. "I'll be back in an hour." He nodded, letting go of her hand to let her leave. She went to the door, turning around to see Jason in the bed. He was looking at her too, a sad smile on his face. She nodded back to him, leaving the room and going down to her grandma and his mother and sister. "I'm gonna go to the gift shop and pick something out for him," she told them.

"Okay," his mother answered with a smile, pointing down the hall to the gift shop. Julian walked down the hall debating on what to buy Jason. She decided on looking for a red teddy bear and a corny card.

At the gift shop, she was disappointed in the lack of cheer the shop had. Angel Grove Hospital didn't have much in the way of business with anything but deathly illnesses apparently. After looking around the card section she settled on one that said 'get better!' with a picture of a golden retriever on it.

After buying it she borrowed a pen and wrote a little note for Jason that would make him smile. She sealed the envelope, smiling and thanking the cashier for the pen before walking back to the waiting room. Her grandmother was sitting down on a chair with a magazine in her lap, Jason's mother and sister next to her reading Harry Potter together. They all looked up when they heard her come in, smiles growing on all of their faces.

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