Chapter 3: Loving Light

Start from the beginning

I could tell she didn't want to tell me yet for my sake. I grew a bit sad inside, but also was happy. She still really cares about how I feel after all this time. I couldn't stay mad at her for that. "It's ok Lillie. You're here now, so let's have some fun while we can." I say to cheer her up.

She looks up towards me and smiles. "You're right. I should enjoy the fun while I am here. Are you two doing anything?" She looks towards Gladion and Hau.

Gladion scratches his head. "I need to head back to Aether Paradise and work on a few things." Hau just grins. "I need to help my grandfather with a few things. But I am free later this evening. So just meet me at Iki Town around 7:30."

Lillie nodded and turned towards me. "Ok so it looks like it's just you and me Sun. Where should we go first?" She says with excitement.

"Well there is a place that we can go swimming if you really want. It's really secluded, but it's a really famous spot." I told her

Her eyes light up. "I bought a new swimsuit not too long ago. That's perfect!"

"Then let's get ready." I said with a bit of enthusiasm. I haven't been to there in so long but now I can share it with Lillie.

We waved Hau and Gladion off and then we both went into my room and changed. When we finished changing, we left and went to Kala'e Bay. I was sure she hadn't been there before, and I was right when I saw her expression.

"I saw this in a panflit about famous Alolan attractions but It looks so much more beautiful in person! Thanks so much for taking me here Sun." She said as I feel her throw her arms around me. I embrace her in another hug, and for a while, we just stay like that.

When we broke apart, I see her face is full of sadness. "I am so sorry Sun. I wish I could stay in Alola with you and everyone else. But when I get back to Kanto, I really want to take on the 8 gyms."

Once again, I hide my sadness. "It's ok Lillie. You're here right now, so let's just have fun."

She looked at me. "You aren't upset?"

I didn't feel like I should lie to her. "Of course I'm upset. But I was when you left the first time. It's fine. I respect your choice."

Her face softens a bit. "Thank you Sun. You know, you could always come with me this time if you want to."

"That would be nice Lillie, but we will have to see what the League says about it." I told her.

"Ok. Let's just go swim." I take us further out on Lapras and we jump off and into the refreshing ocean. We constantly dive and swim around the bay for a little while until we finally get very tired. We go back to the beachside of the bay and lay there for a bit under some shade.

I look at my watch. It's only 4:38 so we still have time. Maybe I should tell her now... no, not yet. I look towards Lillie. "Do you want to eat something?"

"Sure. I was getting hungry." She says as I pull the picnic basket out of my bag.

"You really made this for both of us? You didn't have to do that." She asked in astonishment.

"I just thought it would be great for us to have a snack before we go do something else." I say casually. Before I could say anything else, suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"You didn't have to do this Sun. Thank you so much." I return the hug. "But I wanted to Lillie. Don't worry about it. It's the least I could do.

We eat some sandwiches and drink some water in the shade of the cliffside. After a bit of eating we decide it's time to head back to the house and change.

Once we changed, I came up with something else to do until 7:30. "So do you want to go shopping for a little bit Lillie?"

She picked up her backpack. "I would love to. Let's go."

I pull out my ride pager and call out Charizard. We climb up and fly to the Shopping District in the city to look at what they might have. We step into the clothing store.

"So Lillie, what dress do you want?" I ask her. Her eyes lit up so fast as soon as I said that.

"Are you serious Sun? But why"

"We are going somewhere special later tonight. Now go pick one out." I say as she gives me a quick hug and rushes to go search for one. After several minutes of looking at dresses and trying them on, she settled on a bright blue dress (My favorite color ironically). "What do you think?" she asks as she spins around.

"Perfect. I love it." I say.

I bought her the dress, and we walk through the city for a while. We decided stop and watch the sun set by the marina for a little bit.

"Wow. I haven't been able to watch something so beautiful in a while. Kanto doesn't really have this good of a view." She says in amazement.

I think it's time I tell her. With the sun setting, and the timing so perfect, I may not get a chance as good as this later on. I need to tell her how I feel.

"Hey Lillie, can I tell you something?" I said as we watch the sun a bit longer. She looked over at me and stares. "Sure. What is it?" She asks.

I grab her hand, which makes her blush. "Lillie, I enjoyed every minute of our adventure together. There was never a moment that I hated while we were together. But when you left to Kanto, I couldn't figure out what to do with myself. I spent so many days just wondering when you would come back to Alola. There was something that I never got to tell you whenever you left." I could see tears rolling down her face. Her face was blushing red.

I took a deep breath. "Lillie. I love you." As I said those words, I felt time stop around us. She looked up at me and wiped her tears away. "Sun, I love you too. I have been wanting to tell you too for so long. "

We lean in close to each others face. I place one hand on her cheek. And then we kiss. I place my hands on her hips, while she wraps her arms around my neck. We kissed for what felt like forever. When we finally separated, we held hands and continued to watch the sunset together.

After the sun had set, I looked at my watch and got really surprised. It was already 7:15! I look towards Lillie. "Hey Lillie, we have to be at that one place here pretty soon. Let's go home and get ready." I tell her

"Ok. Let's go then." I grab her hand and we walk home. As we pass by the school, I noticed a really strange group in dark clothes by the fence....

Ok this chapter was very drawn out, but I thought that for something like this, I had to make it pretty long. Hopefully it came out right. I was planning to upload this later, but I decided that a chapter with this much development had to go up now. So let me know in the comments, who is your favorite character in Pokémon in general. That means from anywhere. The anime, the manga, the games, ect. Mine is probably Brock. He just puts so much effort into keeping everyone healthy, including all the Pokémon he has ever been around. Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter and have a good day.


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