Chapter 9

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*Genji was slowly starting to pick up speed as his anger fueled him to his goal of killing Soldier every thought of torture went through his mind that he could put soldier through but Genji couldn't decide do he might just slice him in half just to make it slow and painful*

    "Ahhh shit he here he found me what do I do now..." *Soldier looked at genji and brought up his gun behind Orissa's shield ready to fire the helix*

      "Don't we need to try to reason with him before you go ruining things." *Orissa grunted speaking as knowing what Hannah would say*

*Genjis dragon blade was consumed by dark fire, at a blink of an eye Genji, popped in front of Orissa like he almost teleported really his eyes were consumed by a bright red light he could only take a breath as he began to slicing Orissa from joint to joint where only the torso and head remained*

"You' way...Soldier must die."

    *Tracer rushes in terrified that genji tore Orissa apart limb by limb cries out shooting him* "NO!!!!!"  *She runs around him taking bullets at his body but it doesn't even seem to Faze him.*

        € Darn it this lad not even being penetrated by my bullets. I am gonna have to bomb him well here goes nothing€

     *She vanished into thin air and pops up from above Genji* "BOMBS AWAY!!" *Sticks a bomb on his back and awaits for the smoke to clear Tracer breathed heavily *

    *Moments pass only for him to rise from it all scraping off the dust from his metallic suit*

     €No.. I f...Failed €

*Tracer tried to push Genji back away from soldier*

      *Soldier 76 stood seeing the action before him and he felt his death is going to be near and started to back away but he felt like his legs were full of led* "Ahhh... I n..never though... *He could struggle for words and stayed still*

*Genji, slowly walked passed Tracer and, pushes her out of the way as she was not a threat only an obstacle to his true objective soldier, Genji took a long exhaled breath as black smoke exit out of the mouthpiece of the mask and, as he spoke it sounded demonic and the air around them felt cold*

" took everything from took the love of my life away from me the one woman to keep me from this stage of my anger but now....I finally get my vengeance on what you have done to me as ordered by Reaper my master."

*He then quickly charged at soldier yelling in a furious vengeance*

      *Soldier snapped out of it retorted as he shot his helix and ran* "Haha!! I didn't do anything you did it to yourself metal boy." *He chuckled shooting backwards*

*Genji deflected the bullets right back in the direction of Soldier as, he then secretly behind his back grabbed three shurikens ready to throw at soldier's legs to slow him down so he can't move away or run*

    "AGH!!" *He chuckled after pulling out he shurikens out of his legs* "Hehehe you think that will hurt me. Your pathetic I was in the army before all this. These puny little things cannot compare to when I was in the war. The war is never over for me." *He continued shooting and dropped his gun and began to fist fight him*

*Genji just took the punches as his mask cracked and, a piece fell off to reveal one of his eyes were like a dragons and hi scars have healed as well but, besides that the punches were not affecting him, so Genji just grabbed one of soldiers arms and easily snapped it backwards *

"You're weak soldier like you always have been."

     *Soldier yelled as his arm was snapped but he laughed off the pain* "I guess I was asking for this. Hehe it not to late for this old dog to learn some new tricks." *He coughed feeling a bit weak*

      *Genji close to taking soldiers life heard some boosters from the air*

   *Hannah searched furiously for Genji furiously as she did she saw Orissa dismembered , Hanzo unconscious mercy in her bloody wake as a tears came to her eyes as she looked away and Tracer on the ground holding her body I'm able to move she knows only Reaper and a Genji had to be the only ones up on the other team and soldier no where to be found.*

       ~Damn it where are they!! This is all my fault why didn't I stay by his side.. I was a little afraid but all this started cause of me. I know what I must do I must end it.~

        *Hannah finally spotted soldier on the ground holding his arm ame saw Genji ready to strike and rushed in front and glared at Genji*

     "Genji prepare yourself for the fight that ends it all."

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