Chapter 3

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* gulped awaiting his answer her heart literally felt as if it will burst out of her chest*

"I don't see why you can't so of course you may stay over here for a few nights brother let's tracer stay here all the time I...mean all the time."

*Genji smiled as, he put on the mask again*

~Ok all good... why did he have to cover his best asset after everything. His Face was perfect to me. I was planning for him to show it longer just long enough... for first kiss..~
"Thanks so much I appreciate it a lot." *As she looked at him again she got close to him and gave him a hug not a bro hug that like hey what's up, but a hug that when someone has feelings for another*

*he stopped from putting his mask back on and, began to laugh softly and, gave her a warm hug in return*

*She held him slightly tighter so he could feel her heartbeat that went faster and looked up at him* "G..Genji, we.. should probably continue watching that movie."

"O..oh yes the movie you're right let's go finish the movie."

* giggled and pulled Genji back to the couch and continued to watch the movie. Her hands were at each side of her leg vulnerable to the touch*

*Genji was nervous a little as he looked over at the side seeing how perfect her figure is he gulped silently as, he placed a hand on hers slowly *

~Oh god. Did his hand really touch mine ok ok be chill. His Metallic hand is touching yours that all.~

*Hannah fingers intertwined with his nervously not making eye contact just yet*

*He then slowly puts his other hand upon her hip on the other side of her body, soon pulling her in extremely close to him*

"Genji your acting different today." *feels his arm around her hip as she was pulled closer to his body she breathes heavily and swallows a bit as she finally looked at him of course helmet on but she took it off not paying attention to the Television screen*

*Genji,, had no attention for the television as, he started to lean in ever so slowly into Hannah's face as his warm breath brushed against her lips ever so gently*

* blushed closing her eyes feeling his lips beginning to collide with her's and shyly presses her lips against his more*

*He deepens the kiss slowly as, his tongue slithers its way in her mouth to get a landscape and a feel of her tongue*

~Is this happening him kissing me my tongue and his overlapping entangled together. Am I dreaming all this. It hard for me to think I just want to take advantage of this moment savor it all I can if it is a dream.~

*She clutched onto him holding him back and scoots closer her tongue played along and circled around his interior of his mouth and her fingers touched his cheek to his neck*

*He then, moved the hand that was upon her hip slowly moving it up her body from her stomach and slowly dragging his fingertips up across her chest to slowly caressing her jaw line*

Before anything else happen it blanked white and woke up in Genji's room.

*Grunts getting up slowly*

"Wa...Was it all.... a dream? O....ow wh.why does my head hurt?"

*Genji was snoring ever so softly in his sleep as he was laying right next to D.Va*

* covered her squeak hoping he didn't hear her and watched him and noticed he wasn't wearing his metallic suit but his actual skin his face was visible too*

"Did what happen... was it not real or was it.. I am so confused."
*Hannah wondered under her breath but couldn't stop looking at him and his pleasant features but held her head more and grunted more*
"Seriously where did I hit my head??"

*Genji had one of his metallic hands on D.Vas not wanting to let go of her as, he was showing his feelings in his sleep*

*She looked at him as his hand touched her's but saw he was asleep* "Oh he moving in his sleep. Probably doesn't know his hand is on mine." *Slowly moved it away and went to kitchen to get something to drink*

~What a weird dream. But what parts were the dream?~

*Genji, was starting to talk in his sleep having dreams of his horrible past before the implants with the battle with his brother dreaming that he was going to hurt D.Va he started to say D.Vas name repeatedly over and over again worrying louder and louder as the sounds echoed through his house*

*she yelled running straight to his room shaking him more and more trying to break him out of his slumber*


*Genji quickly opened his eyes breathing heavily in a cold sweat he gulped as he looked around and saw D.Va he quickly hugged her*

".... W...What going on..."


O.W fanfic GenjixD.vaWhere stories live. Discover now