Mr. Snobby Rich Kid|6

396 18 13

Adam's P.O.V.
I catch up to him and tackle him. I grab the flower crown and put it on, I see Samandriel hold a hand out so I help him up.

"I guess you can be king, I can be-" and of course Gabriel interrupts Samandriel.

"His queen." Samandriel looks at Gabriel and swats him.

"No!" He glares at Gabriel, I just stand there awkwardly.

"Sure, anyways tonight Dad won't be home so Micheal is going to pick you up instead." Samandriel nods as smiles but when Gabriel walks away he looks like a sad puppy. Samandriel sighs and Smiles,"Let's go sit by the tree!" His voice sounds normal as if he wasn't about to cry a second ago.

"...What does your dad do?" Samandriel seems surprised by the question but answers.

"He has some kind of business that he owns and he has to move around a lot. You know not caring how it effects his kids." The last part was a whisper but I could make it out.

"Wanna play twenty questions." Samandriel smiles and nods he sits closer to me so the kids by us don't hear.

"You start." Samandriel says.

"Fine. Fine. If you could change something about yourself what would it be." Samandriel starts moving his hand across the grass while thinking.

"M-my jealousy, anybody or thing I care about starts to like someone more then me I get jealous. I hate getting jealous but I can't help it." I nod and he continues.

"If you had to either know someone worst mistake or know what that persons greatest fear is what would it be." Wow, this kid is deap.

Okay, if I knew people greatest fear I could know what not to talk about or keep them away from, make them feel safer. If I could know someone's worst mistake I probably would trust them more/less.

"Probably worst mistake. Why did that kid in gym push you down?" He freezes and looks away from me.

"Nevermind, Samandriel you okay!?" He doesn't respond but his breathing gets heavy and he looks at me and then looks down again.

"Adam you don't understand, I can't tell you because you'll hate m-" I Interrupt him.

"I won't hate you. I want to know why he was being a dick." Samandriel looks down as almost ashamed he looks at me. I see his eyes as they shine with fear,rejection and hope.

"Well, It started because I was in a more...wealthy family then he started talking to Castiel and telling him that he found trust in him. Castiel told Crowley thinks about Gabriel, himself and I that no one else knew. Castiel trusted him but them...two years ago he told people and they...they u-um" his eyes starts to water and I hug him and comfort him with, It's okay. You're fine. He was wrong. I'm sorry. Don't worry.

"Adam I usually don't trust people and talk to them have to promise that I can trust you." I nod and he wipes his tears away and smiles as if nothing happened.

"Favorite color?" He says and looks at the grass and crosses his legs.

"Blue. What are you named after? It's a very...original name." He laughs.

"An angel. The angel of Imagination, my dad is very religious so he named his sons after angels." I nod and he took at me.

"Okay so Favorite song." I laugh because I don't know, there are so many song in the world.

"None. What's yours, Angel Face." I instantly slap my hand over my mouth and process what I just said.

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