Mr. Snobby Rich Kid|2

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Adam's P.O.V.
I look at him as he reads my schedule,locker number and combo. He grabs my wrist as we walk through the hall to the end of the locker row. He stops and looks and the numbers and then steps a few lockers up.

"Oh!" Samandriel whispers to himself and he leans down to the bottom lockers and finally gives me back the paper.

"The locker is right there. You can try to do your combo. If the locker is any trouble just ask for my help." He says as I lean down to the locker he pointed to.

I grab my paper to read my combo,I do it like the one at my old school but I doesn't work. I didn't want to give up but I couldn't do it. I look up at him and he smiles.

"Can't do it?" He smirks as I roll eyes.

I move away from my locker so he can do it. He opens it in a quick couple of seconds. He puts out his hand for my stuff, I give him my backpack and binder. He sets them neatly on the hooks and shuts the locker.

"Where do you want to go first?" I look at my schedule,"Gym or Library." There a fifty fifty chance I'll see my brothers there. He nods as we walk past the office and we go to a room that is silent from the outside.

He opens the door and we can hear quiet whispers...I look around, no sign of Sam anywhere. I sigh as he tells me a few rules and other stuff I should know.

"To the Gym?" I nod as he grabs my wrist again.

I know this is weird but I kinda like how he just pulls me around by the wrist.

I notice how every time we walk he stops when he hears a little creak or bang. I also notice when he hears a bang (Lockers slamming from late students) he will squeeze my hand as if he's scared. I chuckle to myself of the idea of him being scared of that,he turns to look at me.

He looks towards the ground as we step into the gym. I look at him he is still looking down with a gulp, he immediately looks up and let's go of my hand.

"Aww is Samandri-" The older kid stops and looks at me...I grab Samandriel wrist and push past him. I done with all this, everyone picking on the weaker or less popular.

"You shouldn't push Crowley, he'd probably break you in half in a second." I shake my head and he looks confused.

"You'd be surprised at how many moves I know from my brothers." I smirk then let go of his wrist as we wonder around he gym.

He looks at the clock and grabs my schedule from my hand. He starts to walk out the door and looks at the time again,"We are gonna go in order form first to last in classes, but um if you have any questions ask me."

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