▼ Chapter One - Oh, my god! I'M DEAD?!

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Picture: Chase.

Chapter One.

I sucked in a breath, as sweat beaded on my brow. I analyzed my opponent's every move, contemplating, as she circled me. She was my prey. Silly girl had it wrong, she was not the predator. Positioning myself as she charged towards me, my arms sprung free from my sides and locked onto her shoulders; holding her in a strong embrace. Twisting to the side, I pivoted my hips, focusing my energy into the throw. Kicking my leg in front of my opponent's, I forced her to land hard on the matted surface, making it so she would be unable to recover from her fall.


"The winner of the Ellington College Karate Champion is, third time running, Miss Avania Brooke!" The announcer boomed.

My eyes widened with shock as I processed what the judge just declared. I squatted, grabbing the cool water bottle beside me, gulping down the liquid to soothe my dry throat. My chest heaved rapidly, gasping for air as my heart raced from thinking of my new title. My body shook with glee.

Third time champ, I thought, grinning aimlessly to myself.

"Hey, Ava!" someone called.

I spun around to see a familiar blonde bob bounce it's way towards me.

"Heya! How was I?" I waved back at the petite girl, who was my only female friend, as I rose from my previous position.

"GREAT!" Jess cheered wildly, while looking up and blinking her wide, earthly eyes at me, "Wow third time champion in this school! Feeling proud of yourself?"

"Um, yes! What do you think?" I snorted at her 'let's state the obvious' question.

"Hey Avania!" A group of deep voices chorused at the same time. I looked around the crowded sports hall, scanning the emptying room for the owners of the voices.

" What the fu--" my body lurched forward as I fell, suddenly, to the matted ground.


My body grew heavy as a muscular frame landed on my back then another landed near my foot, and more bodies continue to pile onto my already aching frame. Surges of laughter boomed from the pile of bodies on my lanky frame.

"HEY! Get off me! Your fat asses are gonna squash me to death!" I yelled, my face turning crimson from anger.

"Yo. Congrats, Av." The husky voice came from a honey skinned boy, his emerald orbs observed me underneath him. I stared up at him; he wearing his usual back t-shirt that clung to his athletic build. He smiled, his white canines protruding, as his light brown hair fell over his right eye. I felt so much lighter as people raised off my body and circled around me. Long legs stretched out in front of me, as the last of the weight was removed from my bod, and a hand stretched out in front of my face.

"Hi Chase! I was awesome, right?" My eyes gleamed as I took his out stretched hand, and with one swift movement Chase hoisted me up to my feet and smirked at my crumpled form.

"Yeah right, you've still got a lot to learn from your bro's here, Av." he said motioning to the guys around me with one swoop of his arm.

Numerous words of congratulations and praise surrounded me, making me feel blithe and proud. I slumped against a wall as exhaustion filled me, while my brain was flooded with relief, knowing I could have a tiny rest until the next training came.

"Okay, then. Let's go celebrate guys!" Jess chirped, popping up from behind Chase. She made her way toward me and pulled my sleeve, directing us to the girls changing room. We walked away from the guys as they stood in a circle, discussing who would and could have stood a chance against me. We made our way down the dimly lit corridor, where the caretaker would of already finished his shift and went home. A bright yellow 'caution wet floor' sign stood in the middle of the corridors grey polished floor as the light gave it a eerie glow. We paused in front of the two changing room doors, I turned to meet Jess's round face.

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