~ chapter 4~

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Molly's pov

Kicking around and hitting his back repeatedly did not help me out at all. Here i am now sitting on his bed with my head hanging low with a dog collar around my neck and a sore butt. Yes i said it. A sore butt. Let me explain what happened after i got kidnapped and before i was punished.

  Flash back~

"Listen here dolly. You keep hitting me in the back and kickin your legs imma punish you then have you locked up in my room for a week.! So stop your squirming!". I kept kicking him. He sighed as we reached a small house. I stopped and looked back at it  curiously. 'Is this where he lives.' I thought to my self as we...well he walked inside with me on his shoulder. I then again struggled and kicked around more only to have him growl and pin me to the couch he threw me on to. " listen pet. You better behave yourself when my bro gets here cuz he don't take so kindly to little kids!". I pouted and glared at him. " i..im not a little kid.". I yelped when i felt a small pain hit my thigh. I looked up at him with tears. He had his hand up in the air with a straight up cold glare. " never talk back to me or my bro. Especially my bro cuz he will beat you till you are black and blue.". I shivered and shyed away. As much as i hate it i have to obey. I hate getting hurt i hate it. But in order to avoid it i have to listen. " y..yes sir..i..im sorry sir". He growled. " from now on you call me master. When my bro is here you call him master as well. Understand pet?". He barked again. I squeaked and nodded my head in fear. " good now sit up. I have something for you.". Following what he said i sat up and kneeled on the couch in front of him. He reached in to his pocket and pulled out a small red color with a black heart dog tag on the chain holder. My eyes widened. T..theres. No way im wearing that. No.  His eyes disappeared. He grabbed my hair and pulled me forward and whispered in my ear this time his tone had some threat in it. " i can read your thoughts....if you don't put this on i'll force you then you'll be punished big time for disobedience.". I gulped and let him click the collar around my neck. He bit his bottom lip and pulled me in to his lap wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on to my head. " if you ever try escaping....i'll hook you to my bro in the torture room he has.". I jumped at the threat. " y..yes master.". He chuckled more and began petting my head. " mmm your hair is so soft....and your skin is so milky and white....mmm i can't wait to turn it in to a deep solid red...especially that sweet ass you have sugar tits~". I blushed at this thought. He must be in to some kind of foreplay. 'Kinky bastard'. " hehe thank you~" crap i forgot he could read minds. I sighed and snuggled back in to him a little. He smirked and layed us down pulling me on top. " get you sleep now dolly~ papyrus will be here in an hour. So get your rest". He said petting me more.  I have to say it but he is kinda hot especially when he's being dominate. " sleep now.". I jumped then snuggled in to him more and slowly fell in to a deep sleep.

                     ~ time skip~
A hour went by and by then i was already awake. Slowly opening my eyes i found my self staring up at sans who appears to be silently talking to someone. Opening my eyes up more i gave a small yawn and slowly sat up in his lap. " m..master...w..who are you talking to?" " MASTER? THE HUMAN IS YOUR PET?". I gasped and looked over at the new voice. It was papyrus im guessing. He was way more intimidating then his brother. Taller too. Looked to be about at least 6'7. He had a scar on his left eyes while he wore a blood red scarf and boots. He also wore and black battle type armor. He sneered down at us while tapping his foot. " she's both of ours boss. She's our new pet. I figured since you've been lonely with out doomfanger around.". Papyrus looked at us with a thinking thought and then he sighed. " FINE. BUT SHE STAYS IN YOUR ROOM. YOU TAKE CARE OF HER. TAKE HER OUT FOR WALKS AND GIVE HER FOOD. DO NOT LET HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT.". " sure thing boss. I was just about to take her up there for her punishment~". I gulped. Papyrus tilted his head. " WHY? HAS THE HUMAN DONE SOMETHING WRONG?". " yes she did~". " DOES IT AFFECT ME?" "nah she did nothing to hurt you~ her disobedience got her in to a world of pain". Papyrus shook his head. " JUST BE SURE TO SOUND PROOF YOUR ROOM". " sure thing boss." my master said before he carried me up to his room. Opening his door he threw me on to the floor then closed and locked the door behind him. He then walked to his bed and sat on the edge and motioned a finger to me. " come here". Slowly getting up i made my way over to him scared of what he might do to me when i got closer. When i got to him he gripped my wrist and then in a split second i was pulled over his lap. One of his hands placed on my back while the other one lifted my dress up revealing my light pink panties. I blushed and started to kick my legs like a child only to have him growl and put his leg over the back of my knees pushing it down so i can't move. " l..let go..i..im not a baby!". I yelped when he let the first hit go, then the next then the next. Hit after hit after hit. He kept on til he saw the bottom of my butt turn red then he grabbed the hem of my panties and pulled them down to my mid-thigh. I gasped and tried to move my hands over my bottom but he used hid free hand and grabbed them and pined them to my back. He chuckled and rubbed my butt a little and gave it a few more hard and painful smacks ( as in few he did it for 30 mins). There i was layed helplessly over his lap as he kept on til my bottom was a deep crimson purple. He then stopped and rubbed it a bit more to make it hurt worse. I was in tears, my face red in embarrassment and tears wear from the pain. " m...master..p..please...i..im sorry...i..i'll be a good girl". He hummed and kept rubbing. " Will you hit master again?". I shook my head and whined. " n..no master..i won't hit you again". He chuckled and then pulled my panties back up while standing me up,my dress falling down to my knees again. He smirked as i whimpered and rubbed my butt in a way to sooth the pain. I felt my self get picked up again then this time i stead of over his knee i was on. Sitting there made the pain a whole lot worse. I yelped and fell forward while holding on to my bottom. His smirk widened as he gave my ass another hard smack sending me forward. " master has some erins to run. Stay here. If you move from that spot i'll use the belt next time. Understand pet?". I nodded and sat up. Then he was gone.

~ end of flashback~

And that's why i have a sore butt. He spanked me like a small child. It still freakin hurts. I whined as i rubbed my butt more. Well, at least im still alive, plus he'll take care of me so. I sighed again and then looked around his room a bit. It was a bit messy. 'Doesn't he clean up a little? Maybe if i clean up for him he won't be so hard on me! I did something nice for him.'. I stood up from the bed and began to clean hid room up a little more. I picked up his dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. I looked around and cleaned around hid desk and drawers. I looked in side them and not to my surprise his clothes were just stuffed in there. Sighing i pulled them out. Shirts first then the boxers then hid shorts. After that i decided to put hid dorty clothes in to the washer. Picking up the hamper i made my way to his bed room door. I stopped once i got close. ' what would he do if i left the room? I..i mean it is for a good reason. Im doing his own laundry.!'.

* Getting sans laundry done fills you with determination*

I took a deep breath and then peeked my head put. He was gone but his brother was just walking out of his room. I gulped then slowly walked up to him. " u..u..um..m..m..master". He stopped what he was doing and looked down at me making me blush and shy away a bit. " w..w..where's y..your washer and dryer?". Rolling his eyes he motioned me to follow him. So i did and he lead me to where i wanted to go. I smiled then bowed my head in appreciation. " t..thank you maste-". " You Have No Reason To Call Me Master.". I looked up at him in shock. " b..but sans will-". " Do Nothing. I Don't Want Another Pet. I Don't Need Another Pet. So When He Isn't Here You Can Call Me Papyrus". "M..may i call you papy?". He gave me a firm look. I shyed away more. " n..n..never mind.". He sighed again before turning and walking away. I went back to putting sans clothes in to the wash then i went back to sans room and i instantly stopped in my tracks to find sans sitting on the bed with a belt and leash in his hand. He noticed me and then smirked. " heya pet~".

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