"Man come on wade" he yelled at the TV I smiled again at him because he is doing this all over a game.

"What you smiling at?" He asked smirking again.

"Nothing" I said smirking too. He stared at me for a good minute before speaking.

"You look really beautiful with your hair curly ma'" he said then pecking me on my lips. I couldn't do anything but blush and smile. He pushed me forward gently and got up he walked out the room I just sat there in the same spot wondering what he was doing. He came back with 2 pizza boxes good cause I'm starving. He laid the box on the bed and got right back in the position we was in before he got the food.

"Want some" he asked opening the box I nodded my head.

"What I tell you about that" he looked at me and gave me a look telling me to answer him with words.

"Yeah I want some" I said he nodded towards the box for me to get some and I grabbed a slice and wasted no time biting a slice.

"What day is it and how long have I been here" I asked after my third bite.

"Sunday and probably 2 months why"

"I just wanted to know" I let out a sigh.

I ate about 4 slices and was full August had about 8 and counting. I was sitting watching the game when he spoke.

"What you want to watch" he asked to my surprise.

"H-huh?" I stuttered.

"I said what you want to watch" he repeated himself that's a first usually he say 'I'm not about to repeat myself'.

"Umm I don't know"

"What do you usually watch then Maya" he chuckled.

"SpongeBob" I smiled at my childishness.

"How old are you? My nieces watch that shit" he laughed.

"20" I answered laughing with him. HOLD UP I'm laughing too.

"So how you get in that club then" he asked changing the TV to SpongeBob.

"I snuck in the back door" I chuckled.

"Bad ass" he laughed I joined in.

He pulled me back and laid my head on his chest I kind of like this I got comfortable.

I woke up by falling off the bed apparently August pushed me off and I made a big thump.

"What the fuck bro" I yelled rubbing my butt while I stayed on the floor that shit fucking hurt.

"Get cha ass up come on lets go" he grabbed me roughly by my elbows pulling me to stand in front of him.

"No what the fuck is wrong with you, you were all nice to me yesterday now you pulling me being rough and shit like yo" I yelled. He has to be some type of crazy even though he doesn't look like it.


"DIDNT I TELL YOU TO WATCH YO TONE WITH ME" he barked and I didn't answer he kicked me in the stomach while I was on the ground.

"What I tell you about that mouth huh" he squatted down to my level I still didn't answer I was trying to catch my breath soon I was getting a punch to the nose and blood was running down my nose and I was in tears.

"You told me no back talk please stop hitting me" I plead. I was no longer letting my guard down with him.

"Get up lets go ain't nobody got all day" he spat at me annoyance in his tone.


I watched her get up I grabbed her wrist and lead her downstairs to her room. Her nose was bleeding I almost felt bad.....ALMOST! Then she started putting off at the mouth.

"I hate you bitch" she spat while we stood in the bathroom.

"Unless you want me to teach you another lesson then I suggest you shut the fuck up Maya I'm not in the mood to be dealing with ya ass clean ya self up"

"Yeah whatevea August" she know not to call me that. I grabbed her by her hair it was time to teach her ass another lesson she can't control that mouth and I'm gone get that in order.

"See now ya mouth den wrote a check that yo little ass can't cash" I told her to take her sweats off she had underwear on knowing I had a rule about that.

"See you disobey me and wonder why I gotta put my hands on you" I slid her underwear off and threw them to the side I smacked her ass at least 10 times. I then led her to the bed.

"Take that off" I pointed to her shirt she was already braless.

She did as I said not saying a word now she wants to shut her mouth. I pushed her down on the bed and kissed all the way up to her neck and I bit down as hard as I could I heard her whimpering from the sting I then started to suck it soothing the pain. I traveled to different sections and repeated the biting and soothing over and over. I traveled to her breast cupping them I went to the left nipple sucking on it then biting it and making sure to pull on it.

"Please daddy please I'm sorry" she always do that run her mouth then want to act all sorry when she get punished.

I continued to the right breast and did the same I made sure she would be sore when I was done. She tried pushing me with her hands I gripped her wrist and put them down and gave her the look that said 'do it again and it gets worst' I saw the fear in her eyes and I just chuckled. I rose up and was still between her legs I began slapping her thighs as hard as I could multiple times more than 20.

"I won't disobey you please stop" you heard the pain in her voice and the tears was running down her eyes and I got up from between her legs.

"Now go wash up and clean ya self up" I waved her off she got up and went to the bathroom trying to close the door I gave her a mean mug and she left it open.

I was acting this way towards her for 2 reasons 1 being my niggas Chris and Michael was coming over and she need to behave while I talk about the big drop we need to make in California next month. Chris know I took her I told him the day after I took her. 2nd is I don't need to be treating her like she was my guh or what not even though she something like it. I guess you could say I got a thing for shawty and her attitude kinda turn me on every time but I can't have that back talk. I was on the phone texting some broad she want to come through shit I guess I can allow it but shit Maya was gone be there too a nigga was gone have him a threesome tonight I smiled to myself. I heard her walking through the room rambling through the dresser.

"Look I got some friends coming over and you need to behave alright to their knowledge you my girlfriend and you should act as so don't try no slick shit I don't mind fucking you up in front of them and embarrassing ya ass and doing you worse than before" I told her she didn't respond I let this one slid because I know she was in pain. She was about to throw on her regular attire with my T-Shirt and some socks.

"Nah I got some camo cargos in there I'm sure you can fit and a white beater in there put my black hoodie on I don't need them niggas checking out what's mine" I told her she put on her clothes and I watched her get dress she looked sexy as hell in my clothes. DAMN!

"I thought it was if they ain't looking I don't want her" she smirked but I could hear the attitude still in her voice.

"Yeah but I know they gone look anyways I don't need them staring at ya nipples that's all for me and me only" I licked over my bottom lip and stood up slapping her ass I got a text from Chris saying they was outside.

"Come on remember what I said don't get cute Maya"

"Okay gosh"

"I'm not playing" I had seriousness in my voice.

"Okay I heard you" she said pushing a strain of hair behind her ear. I cupped her face and kissed her on the lips and looked in her eyes she was beautiful.

"Okay come on then" I grabbed her hand and linked our fingers we walked hand in hand up stairs to the living room.

Captured In Love (August Alsina FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now