Chapter 18

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I blink rapidly, the memories fading away. I don't know how long I've been standing out here for, but I know it's long enough. I shake my head quickly before I turn around and start walking back inside, my thoughts still consumed by the memories of Stiles and how I found out that he was bitten. We broke up a few weeks later after that, both of us deciding that it would just be better if we were friends. Nothing was awkward about it. I do think it it is so much better that we are close friends. I could tell that Stiles had feelings for someone else, which I'm glad Stiles realized early on in the relationship. I feel like we are closer now than we were when we were together, even though Stiles still hasn't shared much of his past. I don't blame him. From what I do know, what happened to him must have been quite terrible. He was only a teenager when this all started. I was 21, so I was that slightly bit older and knew how to cope more. Besides, I found my family years before Stiles. Plus, I don't know what he faced before this all began. It probably wasn't easy, considering he is best friends with a werewolf. I assume that he had to face some pretty terrifying things.

I worry about Scott. I worry about what he might do to Stiles if he finds out that he is immune. With everything that Scott has been through, I don't think he will have the same reaction to me. It would be awful to see these two best friends fight, one possibly trying to kill the other just because of one bite. It's not fair. I know that Scott and Stiles mean a lot to each other and use each other as inspiration to keep pushing and fighting harder. If Scott does find out about Stiles and does try to hurt him, I swear that I'll kick his furry werewolf ass and make him see some sense. I know his mother dying at the hands of infected would have been hard to handle, but I can't let Scott kill his best friend because of it. I know that Scott would be heartbroken if he did that. It would be for nothing anyway, since Stiles isn't going to kill or infect anyone. The only things that he will kill are the infected, just like the rest of us. I'm still worried about what Boltz is going to do to the immune. What happened to the previous ones he found? Did he end up killing them in his experiments or did he let them go free? Actually, I'm not sure if I want to know that. I don't think I'll like the answer.

I walk back into the hospital and gaze around to see what is going on. Thankfully, nothing major has happened since I was gone. Everyone seems calm enough, going about their daily businesses. I might go check up on the weapons stock. As I start walking down the hallway, Josh catches up to me. The guy looks a bit worried.

"What did they want?" Josh asks me. I bite my lip slightly, unsure on whether I should tell him or not. I think I can trust Josh. He is one of Stiles' friends, I doubt that he would give him away like that. Besides, I'm not going to tell Josh about Stiles' secret anyway. He doesn't need to know. I'll just tell him about Boltz.

"Well, that General Graham Boltz guy apparently is looking for a certain group of small people. They are really rare though, according to him." I inform my friend.

"What sort of people?" Josh frowns. I glance around me to make sure that no one is watching or can hear our conversation. "Immunes." I whisper to him. Josh looks confused.

"What?" He frowns even more. I roll my eyes at his obliviousness.

"People immune to the virus. They can't get infected even if they're bitten." I hiss quietly. Josh's eyes widen slightly in surprise. "What? I-I didn't even know that was a thing." Josh stutters slightly.

"Neither did I, but apparently it's real." I reply.

"Could they lead to a cure?" Josh asks hopefully.

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