"I've got something to show you." The redhead grinned and Jennifer stepped closer, looking at Alex's phone as the woman scrolled through her pictures. "Here's Tom and I from our senior prom." The older woman handed the brunette the phone who just stared at it wide eyed.

"Dude, are you sure you're not still eighteen? I swear to god, there is not a six-year age difference between those photos and now." Jennifer asked incredulously and Alex blushed.

Sometimes when she was with Jennifer, she did feel eighteen again, the girl kept her young that's for sure.

"Yep, I was right, you are a goddess. It all makes sense now." Jennifer said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Alex blushed even more.

"Girls, let's get a picture of the two of you." Caitlin said to Jennifer and Alex, the two nodded and Jennifer put Alex's phone on the couch.

They did a few different poses, a couple of them were silly ones that they actually couldn't keep a straight face for.

"Gotta kiss on the last one." Ally laughed from the side.

Although kissing Alex in front of her dad still felt a little strange to Jennifer, she didn't let it get to her because it didn't seem to bother him now.

The couple faced each other, Jennifer holding Alex's waist while the redhead placed her hands softly on her girlfriend's face before they kissed for the photo.

The teenager hated the fact that she couldn't experience her senior prom with the love of her life. Sometimes she genuinely wished she was born five years earlier.

The doorbell rang once again and Jennifer furrowed her brow, widening her eyes when everyone else in the room just smirked. "Okay, what's going on?" She asked slowly, turning to Alex, who was smirking too.

"Why don't you see who's at the door?" John asked, chewing his bottom lips.

"Oh my god, you guys are so weird." Jennifer muttered as she walked out into the hallway before opening the front door. The brunette was shocked to see Nathan standing there with his stupid smile on his face, not only that, he was dressed in a tuxedo. "Nathan? What are you doing here?" She asked, a little dumbfounded.

"I'm here to be your date for prom." He grinned, running a hand over his short hair. "Alex asked me to." He added.

Jennifer didn't know what to say, she just stood there with her mouth hanging open.

"I'll take that as a yes." He stepped forward as he reached into his jacket, pulling out a white corsage. The blonde gently took her hand and slipped it onto her wrist.

"I-I don't know what to say." Jennifer shook her head, still in shock. "Nathan... you'd really do this for me?"

"Of course." Nathan nodded, stepping inside before closing the door. "Well, I wouldn't have thought of it if it weren't for your girlfriend."

"Alex! Come here for a second!" Jennifer called.

"Yeah?" The redhead exited the living room with a huge grin plastered across her face.

"What's all this?" Jennifer asked softly.

"I knew how torn up you were about not having a date so I got you one. I wanted it to be a guy because I didn't want you going with another girl when I'm literally in the same room." Alex laughed and Jennifer shook her head with a chuckle. "And Nathan was the first guy that came into my head."

"And I immediately agreed. You're like a little sister to me, Jen. I want you to have fun on your prom night." Nathan added.

"I love you guys." Was all Jennifer could muster, pulling the two in for a group hug.

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