Chapter 29

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Jennifer woke the next morning, disappointed that Alex was no longer beside her. Her dad probably kicked the redhead out last night. As she reluctantly threw the duvet off herself and swung her legs over the side of the bed, she stretched her arms into the air. She really didn't want to go back to school today after what happened last night but she had no choice because she had a math test coming up and she sucked at the subject so she needs all the help she can get.

The brunette was trying her hardest to block out the incident last night but that of course was easier said than done. She couldn't allow herself to get to stressed about things because that was one of her main seizure triggers.

She rubbed her eyes before grabbing her glasses off her nightstand, only to notice that her phone was sitting there too with a little note on it. Pushing her glasses on, she picked up the note and read it. 'I'm so sorry, baby girl -Dad.'

"It's gonna take more than a shitty note for me to forgive you." Jennifer scoffed to herself as she tossed the sticky note into the trash can beside her nightstand.


Jennifer took an hour to shower, dry and straighten her hair and get dressed into her school uniform before she made her way downstairs to find her family sitting around the dining table, eating breakfast.

"Morning, Jennifer." John said as his daughter went straight for the fridge, pulling out the milk.

The brunette didn't answer, instead pouring cereal into a bowl.

"Jennifer." He said louder.

"What? You don't have to shout." She snapped as she finally turned around.

"You ignored me the first time." He tried to keep himself calm, knowing that she had been through a lot in the past 24 hours.

"I didn't hear you." Jennifer said in defence, bringing her cereal to the table before taking a seat beside her sister.

"Do you have your hearing aid in?" He couldn't tell because her hair was covering her ears.

"What?" Jennifer asked before taking a spoonful of cereal.

Obviously not.

"He asked if you're wearing your hearing aid." Eliza filled in since she was sitting at Jennifer's right side, her non-deaf side.

The eighteen-year-old sighed heavily, pulling the dreaded thing out of her jeans pocket. She was getting sick of having to wear it all the time. She put her hearing aid in with a huff and continued to eat her cereal.

"Do you have soccer practice today?" John asked, trying to make conversation with his daughter.

Jennifer nodded.

"Do you have your contacts?" He continued, noticing that she was wearing her glasses.

"They're in my bag." She said, showing no interest in talking to him.

Eliza and Caitlin just sat there, feeling the awkward tension.

"What age is Curtis?" There he was again, asking yet another question.

"Seventeen." Jennifer was disgusted at the mention of the boy's name. She only knew how old he was because for his sixteenth birthday he had hosted a house party, and that just so happened to be the party where she lost her virginity to that other girl.

"Oh, so he'll be detained in custody instead of going to jail." John thought aloud.

Jennifer didn't care. She didn't want to talk about that motherfucker. "Can we just not talk about him or anything about that?" She asked seriously and John nodded.

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