Chapter 30

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"Hey, you'll never guess what happened to me today." Jennifer said before she bit into another strawberry.

Alex had picked Jennifer up from school and brought her back to her apartment after dropping Waverly off at her mother's, so here they were, lounging on the sofa together while sharing a bowl of strawberries.

"What?" Alex asked, half distracted by the show on TV.

"I was kissed." Jennifer smirked, clearly looking to get Alex to bite.

Alex ignored her and laughed at the TV.

"Dude, you're not even listening!" Jennifer pushed Alex's head with her foot to get the woman's attention.

"Sorry, what?" The redhead finally turned to the younger girl.

"Somebody who wasn't you kissed me today."

"What the hell?" Alex asked, almost choking on a strawberry. "Who? And you let them kiss you?" The redhead smacked her girlfriend's leg. "Jennifer!"

"Ow!" Okay she was not expecting the woman to get violent. "Chill dude, I didn't kiss her back!" The brunette held up her hands in defence, having to use her feet to stop Alex slapping her legs even more.

"Who the hell was it?"

Jennifer smirked, trying her hardest not to laugh. "Somebody's jealous." She sang and Alex threatened to hit her leg again and she surrendered. "Okay, okay. It was Adele. She came up to me in the locker room, apologised and then pushed me against the locker and randomly kissed me."

"As in Adele who went out of her way to make your life miserable? As in Adele whose brother assaulted you?" Alex asked in confusion and Jennifer nodded slowly.

The redhead wouldn't admit it but Jennifer was right, she was feeling jealous right now, of course mixed with anger too. Someone else had kissed her girlfriend and that was totally not okay.

"Is there a scary green-eyed monster behind those baby blues of yours?" Jennifer teased, poking Alex in the shoulder.

"I'm not jealous. I don't care." Alex focused her attention back onto the TV screen.

"Sure, you don't." Jennifer laughed, just watching her girlfriend with a smirk on her face.

Alex didn't look at the girl, instead just flipped her the finger.

"Somebody is totally jealous!" Jennifer laughed, leaning closer to her girlfriend to poke her teasingly on the waist.

"Dude, stop." Alex said seriously, glancing at Jennifer who immediately backed up.

"Sorry." Jennifer said quietly as she kept her eyes on Alex. The older woman was practically scowling at the TV as her chest was heaving heavily. She was either really pissed or was turned on by Jennifer annoying her. The brunette went for the former. "Babe?" She didn't mean to upset her girlfriend, she was just messing around.

Alex refused to answer.

"Alex, I was just playing. I'm sorry." Jennifer was genuinely apologising, she seriously didn't mean to piss Alex off that much. "Say something." She said, placing a hand on Alex's thigh.

The redhead just stared at Jennifer's hand. That was her girlfriend's hand and the thought of anyone else holding it, got her- okay maybe a little- jealous. She then finally glanced up at the teenager, focusing on her lips. Her girlfriend's lips, no one else was allowed to kiss them. It wasn't like her to become possessive but she loved Jennifer, and anyone else who thinks they can take her away from her can think again.

"Alex, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up." Alex said, pressing her finger against the brunette's lips before pushing her back into the couch. She almost immediately replaced her finger with her lips as she climbed on top of the now lying down brunette.

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