Ch. 13 : How am I supposed to go to the beach with a cast on?

Start from the beginning

When we parked in the parking lot, He stopped the car and looked at me.

"Ha, how am I supposed to go to the beach with a cast on?"

"Same way you got up the stairs." He said smiling.

"Uggh." I groaned and he laughed and got out of the car and walked over to my side.

He opened my door and picked me up and out of the car. He shut the door with his foot and carried me up the boardwalk.

"You know, are you planning to do this all the time?" I said facing him.

"Maybe." he said with a laugh.

"I'm just kidding. Nah, just sometimes." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

We got to the end of the boradwalk and walked down the stairs to the beach. He carried me to a space on the ground and sat me down gently. 

"Thank you. So what are we doing here?" I said as he came over and sat down next to me.

"Just admiring the view." he said looking out at the beach, the sun starting to set.

We sat in silence for a while. Before I knew it, He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him.

"So, I was gonna ask you on a proper date." He said smiling down at me.

I returned his smile. "And what were you planning?"

"Ehh, nothing fancy but I do want you to wear a dress." he said snickering.

"Ugh Alex, I hate dresses!" I said, groaning. I truly did hate dresses. If I had it my way, I'd be married in skinny jeans and converse.

"Too bad. Come on Nova, just for our first date." He said giving me the puppy face.

"Stop with the face, fine." I said admiting defeat.

"Yes! So how bout friday night?"



Alex and I just sat there for a while until the sun set. Then he took me home and carried me out of the car and waited till I got settled with my crutches before walking me to the door, saying goodbye and kissing me on the cheek before driving down the street to his house.

The next day was gonna be a big one. First day of school after my foot incident. Great.

I woke up in the morning to the buzz of my phone, it was Alex, telling me that he was taking me to school. Not even giving me the choice. But that was Alex for ya.

I hopped out of bed to my bathroom and got in the shower. Taking a shower was a tricky thing with a cast on, but my mom got me a waterproof cast, so that I didn't have to keep taking it off. I did have to take it off occasionally to wash my foot. Which was a hard manoeuvre since I had stitches in my foot.

After my shower I hobbled my way to my closet and picked out a basic band shirt and hoodie before trying to put on my jeans. I didn't even bother wearing a shirt under the hoodie.

I sat on my bed and slipped on my Converse before getting off my bed and grabbing my crutches and my book bag before hobbling down the stairs.

I reached the door and before I opened it all the way I was greeted with a smiling Alex. I guess he had washed his hair this morning, cause it was damp looking. Also, it wasn't gelled like it usually was, just hanging over his face. His bangs dropped down almost to his eyes. 

I had to hold back a laugh. "How'd you sleep?" he asked, helping me to the car.

"Fine. You know, you don't have to help me everywhere I go." I said as we reached the car.

"Who said I have to? Maybe I just want to." He said helping me into the car.


When we got to school, I went to the nurse's office. My mom had called the school and told them that I'd be using a school wheelchair for the remainder of the year every day in school.

So this would be a daily thing, going to the clinic everyday to get my wheelchair and pick up my crutches at the end of the day. Greaat.

Alex came with me to the nurse's office and pushed my wheelchair to my first class, since the bell was about to ring. I had three classes with him, 2nd, 4th, and 7th.

"See ya next period." He said as he left me at my first class.

Honestly, I don't deserve him. He's too good for a girl like me.


Haaaaay people :) I found out that someone is reading this besides my two bestfriends :O Shocker! lol If your having an awesome spring break like me raise them hands up! lol Spring break starts today and I plan to spend most of it on the computer :D Big Plans. Lol 

I'll update tomorrow for sure!

- Stay Beautiful

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