Salem Minns

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Name: Salem Minns

Age: 12

Sex: Female

District: 9

Appearance: Salem looks like a delicate rose. Her red hair shines brightly over any other feature she has. Accompanying her baby face is her innocent facial. She harbors soft light green eyes, a small nose and pink lips that always turns into a smile. Like any other 12 year old, Salem stands at a height of 5'0.

Personality: Even though Salem can get a little paranoid, she is still a sweet girl. She always cares for others and always work hard for others. Salem is still developing her personality but as young as she is Salem can get a little too worked up about her surroundings. For only being 12 and living in District 9, she is definitely one of the brightest children there. In any scenerio, Salem always tries to figure out the pros and cons and what to do in particular situations.

Background: Even before Salem knew how to walk her mother fell ill. Her mother grew weak and sickly. She couldn't do anything for her family anymore. The only source to keep Salem's family alive was her father and her older brother, Coven. Even Salem even began working in the fields and on that day is when she used a hoe. On that day was the first time she drew blood. She accidentally scratched herself with the hoe and blood spilled everywhere. Somewhere in her mind, she thought she was dead and she cried in agony. She went home that day cautious and ever since she tried so hard not to hurt herself. Then when her older brother got reaped she had to work extra hard for her mom and dad.

Greatest Fear/Wishes: Her greatest fears are death, death of family, death by torture and pain. Salem's wish is her mother to be well and their family to grow in fortune.

Other: Her token is her mother's turquoise pendant. (Favorite music genre: classical)


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