Juvianna Wilkening

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Name: Juvianna Wilkening

Age: 17

Sex: Female

District: 7

Appearance: After all her work in the woods, she has gained an average masculine body. She has jet black hat that only reach to her shoulders. Juvianna has brown eyes and a nose that almost resembles an egg. Her head structure is more oval shaped and it almost seems her head is smaller than her body.

Personality: Juvianna may seem mean upon first meeting her, but she has a big heart. Having to take care of her 2 younger siblings, while her dad is in a coma, it just helps how much she cares about others. When she is in big crowds, she usually doesn't talk. She talks more in the comfort of her home. Also Juvianna is a hard worker, she spends her full-time working in the woods. And when there is an absent worker, she asks her boss to fill in for them. Not only does she have a good heart, she has a strong one. After all the let-downs in her past, she is still grasping onto life by the edge.

Backstory: Juvianna never knew that she was going to face troubles in her future. Juvianna had the perfect life, at the age of 12, she had the perfect family. Her dad was in great working condition, her mother was house wife and her twin sisters were the most energetic. They had just turned 5 that day. But the next day, her life and crashing down. Her dad fell of a tree and he almost died. Juvianna's mom wasn't even there to cook breakfast that morning. And the twins were so clueless and naive. It took them a while to understand what happened, and now all 3 of the children (including Juvianna) began working and studying as hard they could. Once Juvianna finished 10th grade, she took on the woods full time. And the twins are working too, but only for a few hours. At some point, Juvianna became suicidal and she almost killed herself, but the fact she had a dad and siblings to care of; she couldn't leave them. So she was depressed to find out she got reaped, but she didn't lose hope for she has enough confidence to win.

Family: She has 2 younger siblings and they are twins. The 10 year olds Grace and Faith are the life in their family. Then there is her dad, he is in a coma and her mother left them long ago.

Weapon: Juvianna like any other tribute, from 7, specializes in the axe. Whether it be from close-range or from a far distance, she can use her axe as a weapon.

Token: A ring that has been passed down from generation to generation was given to her.

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