Lance was... well he was Lance. He smiled devilishly and wiggled his eyebrows at all the ladies, whether they were foreigners or not, as long as they were pretty Lance thought he had a chance. He annoyed Keith the most, Lance always had to point out he was bisexual to new people and then proceed to hit on them causing him to be hit sometimes himself. He was tall and lanky with olive colored skin, he worked at the airport and would always talk about the flights he did and the crazy passengers he had encountered before. He had three weeks off however due to his copilot being under investigation of drinking on the job.

Hunk was settling next to Allura now, he stuffed his face with the snacks that he had helped Shiro prepare; there were cake pops, chips, and anything else you could possibly dream of scattered across the kitchen table in an organized way. Hunk was an awkward guy who felt out of place sometimes but he was also very cautious of his surroundings and would always jump during one of those cliché horror movies that even little kids weren't afraid of. What he lacked in confidence he made up with skill, he was an amazing cook and he just so happened to be a professional chef, the youngest in the state of Wisconsin.

Keith found himself slowly finding his seat next to Hunk as he stretched his arms above his head with a yawn. His body was no longer cold since the fireplace was lit and the crackle of wood echoed through the home. The soft sound of Christmas music in the background sounded making him feel slightly annoyed since it was in fact, the third time today he heard Jingle Bell Rock. He slumped down into the comfortable couch and nodded a greeting at everyone calmly, it was a nice feeling to be able to relax around his friends after a long day of work.

He worked as a homicide detective, always on call for whenever he happened to get a new investigation. He had just wrapped one up that morning, arresting an older man for the murder of a prostitute he had left at the hotel along with an alarming amount of his DNA at the crime scene. He hadn't bothered to wipe his prints or clean up, he had just left the scene as it was. A mistake only idiots made.

"So I heard you found the guy you were after Keith, how was the arresting?" Allura looked over at him, cutting off Lance's story causing him to pout slightly.

Keith shrugged slightly before sitting up in his seat, "It was relatively easy speaking that he had left a massive amount of evidence at the scene like articles of clothing, finger prints and even his s-"

"No crime scene talk while I'm eating please..." Hunk gave a bilious face as he glanced around uneasily.

Keith patted his friends back with a small smile, "Keep it in big guy."

The time passed by relatively quickly as the group of six sat down at the couch and talked happily with one another. Keith laughed whenever Shiro told a lame dad joke. Pidge obsessed over her newest prototypes with Hunk and Allura cringed at Lance's annoying flirting which made Shiro give him glares from across the couch. Keith's happiness came to an end when he and Lance got into an argument about who's job was more important.

"Clearly," Lance placed his hand on his chest defensively, "Mine is more important because I get people place to to place with my A plus flying skills." He winked.

Keith felt his eye twitch slightly as he scoffed aloud, "I don't see your job saving countless lives like mine does. I literally stop murderers."

"But that's just dumb luck you're able to find them. Mine is based purely on skill."

"You won't call it dumb luck when I solve your murder Lance."

Pidge rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest as she pitched in her two cents, "Well everyone would know who murdered Lance, it would obviously be you Keith."

Huffing in agitation, both men crossed their arms and looked away from the group like children. Shiro was sighing into his hot chocolate, annoyed that his friends couldn't get along as usual. Allura was simply pretending not to care as she tried to talk to Hunk about food. 'Why does he always have to try to one up me at everything?' Keith thought to himself in anger, 'it's as if he's always trying to impress others, it's annoying.'

CLICK. The noise startled Keith as his locket suddenly let out a peculiar noise. His eyes were wide as he lifted the silver accessory in his hand to look at everyone in confusion. Shiro and Allura's eyes lit up in excitement as they sat on the edge of their chairs, as if they waited for him to do something. Pidge pushed her bottom lip out into a pout as she slouched over, staring jealously at the locket in Keith's hand. Lance and Hunk seemed oblivious to what was happening.

"Open it Keith!" Allura exclaimed as she gave Shiro a look that reminded Keith of a child in a candy store.

Keith raised his eyebrow in confusion until his heart suddenly skipped a beat in realization. It had unlocked. The one thing that determined how his life would be spent had unlocked after twenty two years of waiting. His nervousness was showing as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink that everyone took notice of, Lance laughed but was cut off by Shiro placing his hand over the idiot's mouth as Keith stared at the shaking hand holding the silver accessory.

He didn't exactly know how the thing worked but he knew that it displayed a digital picture of his soulmate on it, one that he was compatible with. The idea of HIM finding love brought cold shivers down his spine as he gulped down air and placed his thumb onto the button that would bestow his future unto him. He squeezed his eyes shut as it flicked open roughly, he heard Hunk gasp slightly next to him so he opened his eyes in fear.

The fear subsided to pure confusion as he stared down at a Latino man with short brown hair and a shit eating grin plastered onto his face. His eyes narrowed onto the picture as he recognized the face. "You've got to be fucking with me," He glared up at Lance in anger suddenly.

The entire group was confused until Lance jumped slightly at his own lock clicking. This just couldn't be happening, Keith couldn't be soulmates with that idiot. Lance opened the locket quickly with a smile but it turned into a cringe as he met Keith's eyes.

"What the hell," He stated before reaching over to grab Keith's locket, he studied it for a moment as the rest of the group finally caught onto what was happening. "This can't be possibly right, I would never date you in a million years!" Lance shouted as everyone except Keith began to laugh in amusement.

None of this could be happening. This just wasn't Keith's day was it?

Treasure [Klance/Leith] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt