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Dr. Lilly Monrovia's heart raced and her hands shook as she slipped her security card into the door. What she was doing was illegal and it could cost her life. But she could not sit back and watch them continue to torcher him. The door beeped and blinked green, allowing her access to his glassed cell. She was aware that she was the only doctor in the building at that hour of the night, but it did not make her any less nervous. It would take only a single guard and it all would be over for her. When she stepped into the room, the sight of him in the glass aquatic tank hooked up to machines, his life being drained from his body by tubes, made her breath caught in her chest. Even in sleep he was magnificent, the chiseled plains of his perfect body and his beautiful face had her heart racing. She walked over to the tank and placed her hand on the surprisingly warm surface. As if he knew she was there his eyes opened suddenly, the fiery golden depths of his eyes met her cool blue eyes. Her heart felt like it stopped in her chest, his stare was piercing and never wavered. She wanted to touch him so much that her fingers tingled where she rested them against the warm glass.

"I am going to let you go." She said in a cool and collected tone. It was the opposite of what she was feeling but she did not want him to know that.

Lilly walked around the tank to the controls. His eyes followed her every move. She used her ID card to gain access to the controls and put in the passwords. Clicking a few switches and the liquid began draining from the tank. Flashing red lights signifying that this was against protocol; the guards will be alerted soon. Clicking another switch to release him from his restraints, he shook free of them, pulling tubes and I.V drips from his body. The glassed walls of the tank retreated into the floor. He walked forward and stumbled she reached her hand out and caught him. His body was wet and slippery but warm to the touch. He leaned heavily against her, his dark curly hair sticking to his forehead. He was much taller than she had expected, he towered over her five-seven figure. He seemed to be close to seven feet.

"We need to go now." She warned, with urgency. She took off her lab coat and wrapped it around him, for all the difference that made. It hardly covered much of his body.

He continued to stare at her with fire in his eyes. Now she was concerned if he understood the magnitude of what she was doing and how important it was for them not to get caught. She pulled at his hand but he continued to stand still looking at her.

"Do you understand what I am saying? We need to go before security gets here." She continued to pull him, but he was unmovable, he did not budge an inch. How was it possible for him to have such strength even after being locked in a tank for over a hundred and fifty years?

He finally looked away from her, examining his hands. He flexed his fingers then looked to her again. "Woman." He said. His voice was like honey, smooth and sweet to her ear.

"It's Dr Monrovia." She corrected him. "We need to go." She walked away, heading to the door.

He walked ahead of her through the door then blocked her path. She stood before him looking up into his beautiful face. He narrowed his eyes at her in suspicion.

"You are woman, are you not Dr Monrovia?" He said, and he almost sounded childish.

"Yes I am." She tried to step around him, but he continued to block her path. She was growing impatient, but she could hardly stop her heart from racing from the closeness of his very naked body to hers. "And you are a man." She looked him up from toe to head.

He shook his head. "No, I am not man and you know it." He lowered his face to hers, she could feel his breath on her cheek and see the rainbow of colors that edged his golden eyes.

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