"What about the rest of the world? What's happening in other countries?" I ask.

"We aren't sure. We still can't get into contact with anyone and we don't have the aircraft to fly overseas. Besides, it would still be too dangerous to do so at this point in time." Boltz tells me.

"Okay... Well, there are over 300 people living here and we are doing well. Is there anything else you want?" I reply.

"Actually, there is. We are not just travelling around looking for survivors. We are looking for a particular group of people." Boltz says in a calm and collected voice. My breathing hitches a little. I think I know what this guy is getting at.

"Who?" I ask, pretending to be oblivious.

"If you're thinking we are looking for supernaturals, you are wrong. They can't help us. We want to find a cure for this virus. To do that, we need to find people who are immune to the disease. It is possible. We have seen one or two cases of it in the past five years. However, it is extremely rare. We don't know what causes this immunity of sorts, but we intend to find out. Perhaps we could create a cure and end this virus once and for all. I personally believe that immunes are a crucial part in creating a cure for humanity." Boltz speaks up with a smile. I hold back a nervous gulp as my heart rate starts to increase. I don't trust this man. The way he smiles... I don't like it. I find it creepy, like he's not giving me all the information.

"How would you do that?" I bravely ask, continuing to stand my ground.

"Well, we would have to perform experiments and test certain aspects of these individuals to see what makes them immune. Perhaps we could extract or replicate what makes them immune and then create a cure for the virus out of that for the whole world to use." Boltz replies casually, as if it is no big deal.

"Um... Aren't human experiments unethical? And dangerous? Especially without the proper safety precautions?" I ask, raising my eyebrow slightly. Boltz chuckles a little guiltily. "Yes, you are right, but these times call for desperate measures. The lives of a few individuals don't stack up against the rest of the world. We can afford to be a little... Unethical as you would say." Boltz admits completely honestly. My heart hammers nervously against my chest and my breathing hitches again.

"So, what do you want here?" I fold my arms against my chest.

"Have there been any infected attacks around here lately? Has anyone that lives in this hospital been bitten by the infected? Are they taking longer to turn than usual or not turned at all?" Boltz asks me hopefully. Immediately, images of Stiles flash before my mind. I know what happened to him. Well, sort of anyway. I know that he was bitten, but hasn't turned into one of the infected. Stiles doesn't even know I know that. Stiles would probably freak if he found out that I know. He'd be scared that I would tell someone. Well, I'm not going to tell a soul and I'm especially not going to give my closest friend away to this strange military guy. I'm not going to let Stiles get experimented on and possibly tortured. I don't trust this Boltz or his friends at all and I'm not a fan of his way in trying to find a cure for this virus.

"Well, if that did happen, wouldn't we have shot them dead? That's what we do when we find the infected or someone that has been bitten. We don't give them time to kill or infect more people. So, I guess my answer is no, there is no one here that has been bitten. That is still alive, anyway. Bradley was the last to die because of the infected as far as I know. There haven't been any infected attacks around here either." I answer in a firm voice, my arms still folded across my chest. Stiles' secret is something that is not mine to share.

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