Chapter 19

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"You're not being selfish, okay? You love them both and I know you want to keep at least one of them. Stop that!" Harry slaps my hand when I began pulling on my hair.

"But Liam might have needed Zayn's help!" I say. My hands slowly inch upward to my hair again but one glare from Harry sent it back down. 

"Yeah but putting Zayn out there is placing them both in danger. Now stop thinking about it and eat breakfast. You never miss breakfast" He pushes the tray in front of me. For the first time in a long time, I got up, went to the dining hall, and patiently waited for breakfast to be served to me. It just felt wrong eating in bed when my people and Liam's people and Liam might be dying out there.

When Harry found me, his hair was a mess and his clothes all messed up like he had just quickly thrown them on.

"Oh thank god" he had said. "I nearly had a heart attack when I couldn't find you in your room. Don't ever scare me like that"

I had simply nodded. 

"Prince Niall?" Harry says and I nod silently again. I hear Harry sigh and hear his footsteps coming closer until he was pulling the chair beside me and lowering himself down on it. Normally, he wouldn't do this, No one is allowed to do this except my family but I guess Harry finds it better to break the rules than be formal during my time of need. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I say, my voice barely more than a whisper.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Don't you 'nothing' me. Does this have to do something with Liam?"

Then I burst.

I tell him about what the choices my dad gave me and I told him about making Zayn stay and I told him about how selfish I felt and I feel all because I want to keep Zayn by my side. I also told him that I didn’t want to be alone. I didn't want to be waiting in my chamber dreading each day that passes by without any news regarding Liam or Zayn. I didn't want to finally receive that news and realize that they're never coming back. I told him how I've barely slept in 2 days.

Harry told me it's alright to feel that way and here I am forcing myself to eat breakfast and for the first time in forever, not drooling at the sight of chocolate syrup on pancakes.

The doors slammed open and in the doorway was Zayn, looking as frantic as Harry previously was.

"Your majesty!" He says. He runs to me and engulfs me in a hug. "You scared me" Zayn whispers in my ear. "I thought they took you away. I thought I would never see you again. I was about to go crazy. Please don't ever leave without leaving a note, please"

I hug him back and bury my face against his shoulder. "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry as well" Zayn said sheepishly when he pulled away. "Everyone might have seen me panicking and looking around and now everyone is looking for you" As if on cue, numerous staff burst into the dining hall including my mother.

"Oh Niall" my mother says. "Everyone thought they got you. What's left of our knights was just preparing to launch at the Bieber kingdom just in case they took you there. We were all so worried sick"

"I'm sorry everyone" I say out loud. "I just thought I would have breakfast in the dining hall for once" 

"That's not the only reason why I was looking for you" my mother has taken on a grim tone. "Your father wishes to speak with you"

I nod then push away my barely touched food. I nod at Harry and give Zayn a fleeting squeeze when I pass by him. 

Mother and I walk in silence to father's study."What's wrong mother?" I ask her.

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