Chapter 11

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"2 days" Liam giggles against my chest and I giggle back and play with his hair. 2 days until Liam and I are engaged. I try to push thoughts of Zayn at the back of my head. I've had a talk with him and thankfully, after some reassurance that I'll still feel the same way afterwards--hopefully feel more than just infatuation--, he nodded with pursed lips and wished me a happy engagement party.

Honestly, I thought Zayn would ignore me for days afterwards after our little talk but he surprised me by waking me up the next morning with a kiss on both cheeks and bacon with buttered bread.

"You made them?" I asked him with a smile as he set up my breakfast table on top of me. 

Zayn's face fell. "No, your highness. The cooks are a little bit busy today and if I try and meddle in their work, even just to cook in my own little world just for you, they would snap my neck in half"

I chuckled. "I bet they still taste amazing because you served them" I smiled satisfactorily when Zayn blushed and bit his bottom lip.

"Thank you, sire" 

"I can finally kiss you" Liam groans and I giggle again.

"Yes, you can"

"Right in front of everybody" Liam sighs dreamily and from my point of view, I see that he has closed his eyes.

"Yep" I answer.

"And after that, we'll get married and we'll get to cuddle like this on an enormous bed every day. As soon as we wake up, right before we sleep, when we're feeling tired. All day every day." Liam rambles on. I sigh dreamily as well. My bed feel soft and Liam feels ever softer and I can feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep. "Niall? Niall?" I hear Liam ask.

"Hmmm?" I hum out.

"Such a sleepy bunny" Liam chuckles. "Do you want me to give you some space to sleep?"

"No" I barely muster out. I grip him tighter with the one arm around him and tug on his hair with the other. "Stay" Liam chuckles but he doesn't move.

I try to look for a comfortable position because something isn't right. But there's nothing wrong with my position. Then I realize, it's not the position that's making me uncomfortable. It’s the silence.

"Liam?" I ask softly without opening my eyes

"Yes, love?"

"Will you sing me to sleep?"

"Anything for you, love" then Liam begins singing and if my eyes weren't too tired, I would have opened them just to watch his lips move. His voice is like a rock, hitting me straightforward and landing on my chest with a thud.

Liam is a rock. My rock.

I think I might be falling deeper for him. I thought as I fell into a deep sleep.

When I wake up later that afternoon, Liam's warmth and weight is gone and I feel oddly cold and lonely. That is, until Zayn arrives in my room with a mug of hot chocolate. "Hey"

I smile and sit up. "Hey"

"Prince Liam is just talking to some of the staff in regards to your engagement party. He was supposed to wake you up so you can both talk about it along with them but he said you were too cute to wake up and I mentally agreed. I had to keep a straight face and refrain myself from punching him. He told me 'take care of Niall and don't do anything stupid that will hurt him' as if I would do such a thing!" He sits on the side of my bed and places my mug on my bedside table.

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