Chapter 5

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Zayn's lips continue to move against mine even though I'm not responding. I wanted to, or at least I think I wanted to, but I was too surprise to even move. Plus the fact that he was on top of me isn't helping at all. 

Here was Zayn Malik, my supposedly personal knight, kissing me. His lips were soft and his tongue peeked out from between them, trying to poke my closed lips. That's when I fully realized that Zayn's kissing my lips. That Zayn just stole my first kiss. The first kiss that I was supposed to share with Liam.

It took a lot of strength and will power on my side, but I managed to push Zayn away.

"What the hell!" I snapped, sending him a glare. I sit up as Zayn pulls away. I watched as Zayn's face paled noticeably despite his dark complexion.

"I-I'm sorry" he says. He stands up, bows his head quickly before spinning around and running out of the room without closing the door behind him. 

I make sure that he's really gone before burying my face in my hands and letting the tears fall down. Gosh, I am such an idiot! I could have stopped him, I could have maybe said no when he was mere millimetres away. I still had enough time to say no, but I didn't. 

"Fuck" I murmured to myself. I feel like I've cheated on Liam even though I wasn't the one who made a move. But I still feel like I'm cheating because deep inside I actually liked it. I could have had worse first kisses. I'd rather have Liam or Zayn's soft kissable lips kiss me than some guy who thinks that kissing is eating your partner’s face.

"Zayn's kissable lips" I murmured to myself. What the actual fuck is wrong with me? Didn't I tell myself that I wouldn't cheat on Liam (because technically, having a crush on Zayn does not mean I'm a cheating? I'm simply admiring the lad from afar) but here I am hating and loving Zayn's lips.

But there's Liam. Sweet, kind, perfect Liam. The perfect husband. 





I groan.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and sat in the middle of the hall for a couple of minutes. I don't want to walk out alone with puffy eyes and a runny nose. It will attract attention and people would most likely think I'm crying because of the brutal training (which isn't brutal at all. Not one bit)

"Niall?" I turned around to see Harry walking towards my direction with sweat trickling down his face.  "How was your first session?

"It was okay" I shrugged. I looked at Harry's shoulder instead of his face because I know once I face Harry eye-to-eye, I might spill everything. From wanting Zayn but needing Liam and liking both of their lips and them. "Kind of tired. What are you doing here anyways?"

"I'm here to check up on things" Harry says with a raised eyebrow. "I've been doing this for 6 months, you know. I spend an hour or two once a week just strolling around the garden and making sure that everything's fine"

Oh. Right. He forgot that his brother assigned Harry to check up on the castle from time to time even though he's not the head servant or head maid.

"Sorry. Training might have fucked me over"

"Maybe Zayn fucked you over" Harry smirked and I wanted to crawl in a hole and just die. Zayn really did fuck me over without even fucking me! 

"You okay? Wait, don't tell me that Zayn actually fucked you?" Harry asked as he took a couple of steps closer to me and placed his huge hands on each of my shoulders. "How was it? Was he good? Better than Liam? Wait, you've never had sex with Liam, right. What about Liam? Does Liam know? If he doesn't--"

The Prince's Heart (Ziall, Niam)Where stories live. Discover now