Chapter 15

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"And May I ask, Prince Niall, who is Annalyse?" Harry asked after I told him to reward half of the villagers and give a cute little necklace and a dress which has the Horan family crest on it to a girl named Annalyse. 

"A little cutie that is apparently a huge fan of me" I stated. 

"That was still an idiotic move, Niall" Harry sighed as he sat on the bed I was lying on. "You're all over the papers. You should be thanking me that I saved your ass when Prince Greg asked what you were doing outside without permission. I told him you wanted to do some chores because you had nothing to do here. Imagine his face if I told him you went out just because you wanted to go on a date with 1/2 of your boy toys"

I rolled my eyes. "Liam and Zayn are not my boy toys. And how'd you know we went on a date?" I asked.

"We've been friends since forever" Harry was the one who rolled his eyes this time. "I would know if you were suddenly filled the urge to go on a date"

"Anyways, what did the papers say?" I asked. Harry stood up and walked over to the little table placed near the door and picked up a newspaper. He walked back to me and threw it on my stomach. I quickly grabbed the bundle of papers and was not surprised to find a picture of me and Zayn surrounded by people on the front page. The headline said "Who let the Prince out?"

Thankfully, none of them made rumours about Zayn and I and the article is mainly composed of the writer wondering when I will be back. I let out a sigh of relief and it seemed to spur Harry on.

"You should not be relieved! You could have risked your and Zayn's life! You could have risked your engagement with Liam. You could have risked the reputation and safety of this kingdom!" He shouted at me and I whimpered. He continued. "What went inside that head of yours Niall? How stupid can you get? You honestly scared me for fuck's sake. For a prince, you're such an idiot!" Harry rambled on and I felt my eyes water.

I was supposed to be a harmless date and Harry was supposed to just let it go after a couple of hours. I didn't expect him to start screaming at me the day after. I know that was a stupid thing to do but he didn't have to rub it in my face. He didn't have to bring me down. He didn't have to pound into my head how stupid I am. 

I casted my eyes down when he finally noticed that I completely shut up. I give him a couple of seconds to realize what he has done and wrap my arms around my folded legs and bury my face against my knees. I felt the bed dip even more and I am suddenly aware of Harry's body heat right beside me. 

Harry placed a tentative hand on my shoulder. I rolled my shoulder so that it will fall off and moved away. 

"Niall--" Harry said softly.

"Get out Harry" He definitely crossed the line this time. How dare he make me feel utterly stupid? How dare he call himself my best friend?

"Niall, I'm sorry I--" I cut him off.

"Didn't you hear me?" I faced him. I felt anger when I saw his crestfallen face. Oh so now he's sad after he insulted me? "I said get out. Or do I have to tell father that you've started refusing to follow my orders? I may be dumb, stupid, idiotic and the biggest moron you've met but I'm still a prince and therefore I order you to get out" I said in a stern voice I never knew I could produce.

With wide eyes, Harry opened and closed his mouth multiple times, as if he's about to say something but not quite sure if he should. I sighed one last time before looking at Harry straight in the eye. "How many times do I have to tell you to get out of my chamber this instance? Or do you think I'm that dumb that you refuse to follow me now?"

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