Chapter Fifteen:

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“Did you two drop off the face of the earth or something?” Maddi practically yelled into the phone.

Stealing the phone from Niall, I put it on speaker and laughed.

“We might as well have, I have no idea where we are! Though Niall claims he never gets lost so I think we’ll eventually be alright.”

“Good because I’ll have a bone to pick with that boy otherwise. Now then, we five want to go relax because our feet hurt from walking. Harry invited us all over to his and Lou’s place, so just have Niall the map take you there.”

“Okay, great!”

My first day with One Direction and they were already inviting me to their flat? Could this get any crazier?

After more walking, easy conversation, and hand holding with Niall we reached Harry’s front door. We knocked several times, but the door still didn’t open so Niall let us both in with the spare key, even being so kind as to hold the door for me.

“You realize, if I ever needed to, I now know how to break into Harry Style’s apartment. You should be more careful who you show the spare key...” I smirked.

“You wouldn’t..” The look of pure fear that overtook his face was more than enough to destroy my straight face and send me over the edge laughing.

“Okay, okay you’re right. But for that reaction? I just might have to.” I choked out

Barely mastering my giggles the entire way up the stairs to the living room, I lost it again when I had to look at Niall to ask where the fridge was. I tried to find my way to the couch before I doubled over from laughter but managed to trip over, what else, a pair of boxers on the living room floor. It is Harry’s flat we’re talking about here...

Preparing myself for impact with the ground, I was surprised to feel myself being lifted by a pair of strong arms and pulled in the other direction.

“Thanks...” I breathed into Niall’s chest. 

“You know, this whole falling thing is kind of becoming a bad habit. That, or I’m not as lucky of a leprechaun as I should be. And we both know that isn’t true as I’m the most Irish bloke you’ll ever meet.” He teased.

This was met by my small, scared giggle and a hint of a smile.

“See you think you’re being funny, and I’m sure you are, but I’m much to terrified of falling to even begin to process what you just said.”

“Well, you’re lucky you had me to catch you. Wouldn’t want your fears getting the best of you.”

“Honestly! You should stick around because that was a good save. Another point for your reputation.”

“With me around, you’d never fall. I promise I’ll always catch you.”

Even though his arms were still around me, I made it into a real hug by wrapping my arms around his waist. 

“I think I know how you can apologize for almost killing me.”

“How?” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“A full on, legitimate Horan hug.”

“That’s it?”

“Yupp. Told you the easy going was sort of an all around thing.”

“Well then I hope this proves I am one hundred percent sorry.”

And with that he pulled me in to him so tightly I felt that we were one person. His arms fit around my body perfectly as if they were meant to be there, a comfort and security measure that was unmatched so far in my entire life. He rested his cheek on the top of my head and moved one hand so that it was on the back of my head, holding me to him. I never wanted him to let go and I sighed contentedly. 

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