What I Say When I'm Broken

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Don't cry for me.

There is no need.

I have shed too many tears for myself for them to mean anything anymore.

I have run out of tears to give.

Don't cry for me.

It won't do either of us any good.

Oh, how strange it is that I think of you when I smile and when I cry.

Why is the burn so nice

When it's from either fire or ice?

The music keeps me steady;

The piano helps me stay.

You saved me.

Just you.

You with your smile and the way you say my name.

You saved me, and you don't even know it.

Wet wood crackles and hisses when it burns.

When I'm burned, I break.

Put me back together.

I'm missing a few pieces.

Please don't give up on me.






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