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My nemesis has always been hate

She hides in every corner of my mind

She breeds hate for who I am of late

She speaks hate for what I've become with words unkind

She whispers hate for who I've dared to love

And talks of longing for whom I've lost

"All your fault," comes the voice I'm scared of

And she will tease 'til my mind is full of hurt and exhaust

A barrier from the words that pain and mock

I wish I could hide or get away, but her voice is always near

I wish I could escape, but her voice is the only one I can't block

Hate is my nemesis, the one lurking in my mind, the one no one else can hear


This one's old.

Sometimes I go into a depressive funk. Sometimes I hate who I am, who I love, how I look. But sometimes I remind myself that there is nothing wrong with me. I'm okay. I'm gorgeous and I can love whoever I want.

So squash those voices under your foot, 'cause you're wonderful and amazing and I love you.

Stories Gone UntoldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora