That one Person

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  • Đã dành riêng cho G-shine Walker

Every girl wants that one


That helps her through it all

She wants that one person

Whether a she or he

Those special people

Stay close to their hearts

And be the first they turn to.

And the last to leave her side

That person that is dear

To her

That person that cries

With her

Is her best friend

For me,

That person is a guy

That I met

Over facebook

We spoke and I thought

He was in his twenties

Turns out he is

Only 15

We became close

Each of us

Having our own drama

That we had no cure

To fix it

 Becoming best friends

Over a few days

We spoke each and every day

Not even seeing each other

Face to face as of yet

New Years

I meet him by accident

No intentions

But I ended up with him in the end

We chilled together while he kept me calm

I told him my problems

He kept me calm

He didn't want me cry

Or stress

Or even be upset

What a true friend he was to me

What a great person he is

No one sees the real him though

Everyone wants to be rid of him

Wants to talk trash of him

People cause so much stress

On him

But he still tries to live life

And not care

What other people have to say

That makes me

Look up to him

Not because I am shorter than he

But because no matter what

His head is held high with pride

He is my hero

My bestie for life

My saviour

My closest friend

Someone I love

That one person

Is a he

And was and is here for me

That one person is mine and

He is Cannon G-Shine Walker 


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