Chapter 29

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"So, what's with the 'don't care' thing?" Raymond asked Riley.

"None of your business," She snapped. This is what you wanted Riley.

"Woah, sheesh. Last time I saw you, you were this ray of sunshine."

"Well sunshine turns to darkness, genius." Riley...Are you sure?

Her consious and tiny bit of darkness were debating and she had no idea who to listen to.

"I like this new you. You and I, we're gonna get along just fine."

"Great." Riley...please..don't. She paused and thought but..Riley..Yes. You wanted to be like Maya, this is the way to do it.

She shook her head violently and Rebel shot her a weird look.

From afar, Maya was worrying about Riley. She knew the Riley who used to feel guilty for not giving a tip to a waiter who was clearly slacking off. She turned to Gabe, "What's going on? She keeps shaking her head."

"I don't know. Maybe she's thinking?" He replied.

"No duh. But about what?"

"How should I know? I'm not her."

"Maybe she hasn't completely forgotten herself."


Raymond got up and walked to the door with Riley trailing behind him. Maya and Gabe kept an eye on them and got off the subway at the same time. They really were going to Central Park.  The two trailed behind Riley and Raymond and tried to be as inconspicuous as they could. Luckily Riley didn't notice them. As they neared a clean, freshly painted, wall around the restrooms, Raymond stopped. He motioned to Riley to do the same, and she did. He whistled and out popped 3 other people. Maya and Gabe ducked behind a bench and poked their heads up to observe what the group was going to do next.

"Newcomer, eh? How 'bout we see how well you can get through initiation?" A dark haired girl snickered from behind Riley.

"She smells fresh," A guy observed.

"We get it Stench, you like to smell people," Raymond commented.

"But she smells..." He took a big whiff, "Like a goodie two-shoes." This gave Maya a bit of hope that her friend wasn't fully gone.

"Well she ain't one anymore."

"Ready Matthews?" Another person spoke.

"How do you know my last name?" She questioned.

"You don't need to know that."

"Well my name and anything about me is none of your business."


"LETS JUST DO THE INITIATION ALREADY!" Raymond snapped, impatient.

Everyone muttered a, "Whatever. Fine."

Raymond passed Riley a can of purple spray paint, and took a blue one for himself. Everyone grabbed one afterwards. "Spray, Matthews. Let's see what you can do."

She looked around at everyone and gulped. Peer pressure was consuming her. She held the can up. Don't do it Riley. It's not worth it. She started putting it back down. What are you doing? Do it. Do it. Do it. She raised it up again, but it was too late. Sirens sounded, the group dispersed and ran off, all except Riley. A cop went up to her.

"You know what you're doing is a federal offence," He told her. She gulped and nodded. Maya couldn't take it anymore, she ran up to them, followed by Gabe.

"Officer, she didn't mean it. It was peer pressure from that group, you can clearly tell," Maya pleaded her case.

"I agree with her, officer. We were witnesses, and we saw them pressuring her to do it," Gabe added.

"Well she still had the motive, seeing as she almost did do it. Alright, kid. Tell you what, you look like a good kid who was just hanging out with the wrong people. I'm only gonna give you a warning." Then he motioned to Gabe and Maya, "Stick with these two. They're good people, and right about now I think you need some good influences."

"Yes officer sir. Thank you sir," Riley replied. He tipped his hat before walking off.

Riley ran into Maya's arms and hugged her tight. Maya hugged her back and comforted her as Riley cried into her shoulder.

"Oh Riles, what happened?" She asked, gently.

"I--I did wrong," Riley answered.

"But why?"

"Because I was hurt by Lucas, and the emotional pain overtook me."

"Oh Riley. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Next time, you come to me first? Kay?"Riley nodded. "So we both went through identity crisis huh?"

"Actually, it was peer pressure for me. Not identity crisis," Riley responded.


"But we can pretend it was identity crisis." Maya laughed at this.

"Hey, where'd Gabe go?" Maya wondered after they released from their hug. Riley shrugged.

"I'm back," Gabe informed them after a few minutes, with a cup of ice cream in his hand.

"What's that?"

"I heard ice cream helps?"

"That's for Riley, right?" Maya eyed him as he picked up the spoon.

"Oh, uh..Yeah." He put the spoon back down and handed the cup to Riley.

"Thanks," She spoke.

"No problem," He replied.

Maya whispered to him, "I'll get you another one Dork."

"Harsh, much. I help you and this is what I get?"

"I didn't mean it like that, I--" She stopped when she saw him smirking. "You're messing with me!"

"Indeed I am."

"I hate you!"

"Ouch, that really hurt my h(e)art, hart. Haha, pun intended."

"Cringe! Cringe, cringe!"

"Shut up."

Riley watched the two banter as she devoured her ice-cream. "What an otp," She spoke to herself and laughed lightly.

Hellooo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm getting kind of worried because I'm running out of pre-written chapters. Ahh! Hopefully I'll have enough to last me until at least Winter vacation! Thanks again for reading and voting, I'll see you in the next chapter, byeee!

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