Chapter 12

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Abigail's Highschool, New York, Lunch, General POV

"Hey guys, lemme introduce you to an old friend," Gabe told the squad as they were in the hallway.

"This is Avery, we were friends in Denver..Well you could call it that. She used to use me as her own personal attack dummy for her entertainment," He finished.

"Hey! I stopped hitting you...After I moved," She claimed. Everyone laughed.

"I'm Riley! It's nice to meet you!" Riley greeted Avery.

"Nice to meet you," Avery replied. So this is his girlfriend, Avery thought. She was still a bit salty about Lucas acting as if they'd never met.

"I'm Farkle, this is Smackle," Farkle introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, I hear you two are quite the geniuses. I myself was an A+ student at my old school as well," Avery responded.

"I'm Zay, I'm from Texas. Lucas' is my best friend, from Texas to here," He said.

"Nice to meet you. It's nice that he remembers you, isn't it?" She commented.

"I'm Lucas," He said.

"Oh really? Not Wes? You know, there was a Wes Friar at my school, a little shorter than you because well it was a little over two years ago. Same face, same hair, same everything. Except not the same caringness, he promised me that we'd see eachother again, and that he's swoop me into his arms when we did," She commented, it was as if she were letting all her frustrations out.

"I'm sorry, I don't know a Wes Friar," Lucas claimed.

"Oh really? Cause I heard from someone that your name is Lucas Wes Friar, but I guess it could be anyone, right?"

"Lucas, what is she talking about?" Riley asked.

"I don't know, I'm sorry Avery, I don't recall us meeting or me promising you that," Lucas answered.

"Huckleberry, spill. What happened between you and her?" Maya asked, not buying his act either.

"Enlighten us Lucas, tell us how this can't be," Smackle added.

"Yes, tell us, how is this such a coincidence?" Gabe chimed in.

"Guys..I don't think Lucas wants to talk about it," Zay stepped in.

"Thank you Zay. This is confusing to me too, I have no idea what Avery is talking about," 'Lucas claimed, "Let's just all go to lunch."

Everyone proceeded to the cafeteria. They all sat down at their regular table after being served, mystery slop. Maya poked hers, Gabe stared at his wondering how cooking skills could get worse than his mom's. Riley kept hesitantly bringing the spoonful up to her mouth, before setting it back down again. Zay was creating a volcano with Farkle, the two planned to use this as a plaster. Smackle was making the solution to go into the volcano with baking soda and vinegar. Lucas looked down at his food not daring to look up because he feared being caught by Avery's glare. Avery was smart, she brought her own food. She munched on her sandwich as her classmates prodded their lunches.

"So, you moved to Pasadena from Denver?" Farkle asked Avery.

"Yeah, I left for a fresh start. Parents divorced, for the better. But it's all good now, mom got remarried, I have two step siblings, Tyler and Chloe. And as I mentioned before, Stan and his puppies: Grace and Freddie, are our family dogs," She answered.

"But you had to leave after you gave me a bruised lip?" Gabe teased.

"Hey! I told you why I used to hit you," She claimed.

"So how'd you meet Wes?" Maya asked.

"Well, he was the new kid at school, I'm quite short for my age and he thought I was a sixth grader. Some time flies by, and I see him at the park, I heard he needed a tutor so I offered to help him out. Turns out, he needs a tutor for Spanish so I had my friend help me out with translations, she taught me how to say, 'Yes, very much' just in case of any situations. At the end of the lesson, my friend left and I was left alone with Wes. He told me something in Spanish, I didn't understand so I just said what my friend told me to say," She replied.

"What did he say?" Zay asked. Lucas glared at him. Zay shrugged.

"Well, he had a piece of paper he wrote it on, he left not in the best mood. I picked up the note and started translating using the Internet, of course. My friend Nikki, the one who was helping me, translated it for me. Apparently it read, Would it be innapropriate to ask my Spanish tutor out on a date? I was stunned, I just turned my crush down," Avery responded.

"You told me he was your boyfriend," Gabe pointed out.

"Well after that we got stuff cleared up, and we found out we both had feelings for eachother. So we hung out more often, I fell for him.. But one day he had to move, and I was crushed. The day he told me was the day he made that promise to me," She explained.

"Wes sounds like a J-E-R-K, jerk. One who deceives another for self enjoyment," Smackle commented.

"Yeah, he's a butt head," Gabe added.

"He's such a nitwit," Maya chimed in.

"Guys, don't be so mean," Zay calmed them down.

"Yeah, obviously Lucas wouldnt lie to us, right Lucas?" Riley said as she looked into his eyes. He couldn't meet her gaze.

"Of course not," He uttered.

"Zay, do you know something we don't?" Farkle asked.

"I can't say," Zay replied.

"Great, our group is falling out again," Maya muttered under her breath.

"Back in the hole, I'm assuming?" Gabe wondered, surprising Maya because she didn't know he had heard her.

The bell rang, and they went their separate ways. Maya and Gave had the same class that period so they headed inside. Unfortunately it was Math, and Ms. Bedmas remembered last time's 'incident'.

"Maya, Gabriel, sit far away from each other please," She advised them. They nodded, and went to opposite sides of the room.

That didn't stop them from causing ruckus though. While Ms. Bedmas was out of the room, Maya sent a paper airplane to Gabe. He picked it up, and looked at her, she mouthed, Read it. He unraveled it and saw a note. She had written, Where do you wanna meet to work on our project after school? He wrote a reply and sent the airplane flying back.

She opened it up and saw his reply, my house? She looked up at him and nodded, he grinned. She quickly threw the plane away and went back to her work. Then something nailed her in the head, she was fuming. She took it out of her hair and looked around the room. Gabe had his hand over his mouth, and was trying to hold in his laughter. She sent a glare his way, he didn't even flinch. She looked at the item, it was a paper airplane, it read, Meet at our History classroom after school, k? She nodded and threw the plane at him. It landed on his head, slapping off his smirk. Now it was her turn to stifle her laughter. He got up and tossed the plane away. This time he sent her a glare, one that she didn't even twitch at.

Woooo! Early update! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And I'll be updating again later this week! Yayyyy! See you in the next chapter, byeeeeeeeeeee!

P.S. I just recently downloaded Wattpad the app, and I'm still getting used to it. The layout's pretty different from the website. It's cool though! :D

Good Luck World {GMW/GLC Crossover} [EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt