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Sang's Pov
I quickly stretch and hurry out of bed, not really caring about still being in my pajamas. When I get to the kitchen it's empty and there's a note on the counter.

We didn't want to wake you and trouble you with making us breakfast.
We love you and we'll be back as soon as possible.
Love: Kota, Owen, Sean, Victor, Nathan, Luke,
North, Silas, Gabriel

I roll my eyes knowing them they probably just had some cereal and didn't bother to eat anything that involved heating since it would "wake me up". Whatever this means I can put a whole bag of chocolate chips in my pancakes!

Your most likely thinking why is Sang okay with the boys leaving her? Well it's because this wasn't just some last minute thing. Sang and the boys had been discussing this for months. Sure the mission would be long but it was for a good cause. The boys had been asked to help another team find one of the members kidnaped daughter. It's not like she would be completely alone she had Erica, Jessica, Charlie, Pam, Phil, Kayli, The Tomas and surprisingly Jade and Marie. In fact Sang and the girls had made plans to go to the spa tomorrow.

The boys were hesitant with leaving, North didn't want Sang to be unguarded. Until Sang reminded him that she could handle herself since she's "not a baby" and that she didn't need to be watched 24/7. She also pointed out that she managed to flip him but was quickly reminded that she was Sang Baby to him which then earned him a glare and a jab to his ego.

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