Facing the World

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As I walk to my locker, the most popular guy in school, Elijah walks to me. I sigh in annoyance, "No, I'm not paying for you" He slaps me in the face, "You will talk to me respectfully, porker!" He spits in my face and walks away. I run to the bathroom salty tears threatening to pour out of my face as a crowd laughs. As I'm crying my eyes out In a dirty stall, Jonathan, my best friend runs in and knocks on the stall. I let him in. "What happened, Alex?"  He crouches down next to me. "I don't know. Elijah came up to me I told him something and the next thing I know, he's slapping me in the face and calling me a porker, spitting at me in front of a lot of people." "Ugh, what a dick. Come on, get up. We'll face that crowd together." We walk out, going to face the crowd. 

What do you think? This is my first one so take it easy!

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