Ethan booed and she laughed along before resuming her lecture.

First period ended with a new reading assignment. "Don't forget to pick up your copy of Carmilla from the library. I know it's not part of the syllabus but I still want you all to read it; I assure you it makes more sense than a hundred-year-old vampire still attending high school."

The class left the room laughing, all except for one.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Alfred walked to her desk.

Miss Montgomery nodded and gestured for him to sit down.

Alfred remained standing.

"I wanted to talk to you about your reaction paper on Frankenstein..." She pulled out a binder from her drawer, "You got a B."

He didn't know how to reply.

"Um. . . no offense, Miss Montgomery, I mean I love your class and all. . .but I'm not one of those overachievers who freak out when they don't get an A"

She chuckled, "Oh, no. It's just that you're one of the students who keep a consistent record"

"Of no failures?"

"Yes, exactly, and well, I have this one student who's been having trouble with her English lit. I was wondering if you're interested in tutoring her? Her family is willing to pay and we'll find a way to have you work around your schedule."

Alfred stopped for a moment to think. On one hand, he was already exhausted from practice and getting the kind of grades he did required extra effort; on the other hand, his mom's car needed a new paint job and the ceiling in the bathroom has been leaking again, not to mention they needed a new toaster.

"What do you say, Alfred?"

He gave her one of those dazzling smiles, "I'll do it."

After practice and before changing out of his towel, Alfred took a moment to send his mom a message saying he finally found a part-time job.

Her reply came quick for someone who hated cellphones.

Mom: Great! What kind of job is it?

Me: A tutoring job. I'll give u the details once I get home.

Mom: OK but when do u start?

Alfred sighed and texted: Tonight.

Miss Montgomery asked him if he was sure, as he could just tutor the girl every Saturday, before the usual training. Even she probably thought that was too much since football practice during the week usually ended around seven PM.

Alfred thought about it, he really did.

The girl's family was willing to pay him 30 dollars for each session.

It was a no-brainer.

Alfred followed the directions Miss Montgomery gave him and eventually reached his destination within forty minutes. Even from a distance, like something straight out of a Jane Austen novel, the estate screamed of old money, looking very much different from the modern Americana houses in he has seen before.

He sat in his father's worn-down red truck and asked himself what he was doing in a place that was so out of his league.

An old woman wearing a blue, ankle-length dress walked out the front door of the house and then toward the truck.

Alfred rolled down his window.

"Good evening, ma'am" He handed her a folder with his ID, "I'm Alfred Jones, I'm the new tutor. Miss Montgomery sent me"

Until I Met You (America x Chubby!Reader x Yandere!2P!America)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat