Chapter 23 - what if...

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"Damn it, Taehyung!" I shouted at him, clenching my head as I thought of a possible solution. She's not dead nor is she awake, so what do I do? Yes! Sit here and stare.

Taehyung flinched. "Sorry hyung, I thought a kiss would know? Like sleeping beauty!" He explains while pouting. I sighed in defeat.

Calm thyself, Yoongi. You are a civilized man. This wasn't the time get furious. She's unconscious and she keeps murmuring stuff. It's making me so gaddamn worried. We took her directly to the dorm after her fall and we waited for her to wake up, but it's been an hour with no movements whatsoever.

"How 'bout we splash her with cold water?" Jungkook suggested and everyone agreed without any hesitations. I exhaled slowly and turned my head towards them with a 'I am damn mad' glare. "I'll drown all of you." I warned them.

"Yeah okay maybe not, but we could just take her to the hospital just to make sure she's okay." I rolled my eyes and stared at her face.

"Get out. I'll do this on my own." I pushed them out of the room. So it was just the both of us. I called out to her a million times in hope that she will answer but still nothing. I even considered calling the hospital again, but i'm worried that if her parents found out they would take her away from me and not even consider any excuses. I cupped her cheeks lightly and prayed that she would wake up. Suddenly, like a miracle, her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"J-jagi?" I called. She looked at me with a pale, vulnerable expression as if all of her energy drained out of her body. "Yoongi..." She answered back and gave me a weal smile. "Can you get m-me water?" She asked, me barely even hearing her words. I nodded, hastily going out the room to get her a glass of water.


I felt tired. I felt like I was running forward but there was no finish line. Images came across me while doing so, It was a dream-like experience or maybe I was dreaming. Nothing was clear to me, at the moment. Maybe those really happened, maybe It was a dream of mine. Just thinking about it made my head ache.

"Jagi?" Yoongi came in with a glass of water in his hands. He smiled weakly at me maybe because he was still worried. I forced myself out of the bed to hug him. Standing up so suddenly made my head turn, vision blurry and loose balance. This caused Yoongi to hastily put the glass of water down at catch me just before I fall. "Oh my god, Jinhee. Please be careful you've been in and out of consciousness for the past few hours or days I don't even know I lost count already." He scratched his head after I got my balance back. He was still holding me tight in his arms.

Lost for words, I hugged him tightly. While snuggling my face onto his neck. I finally smelled his familiar warm scent. "I-I..." I stuttered as he grabs my face lightly to face him. His eyebrows furrowed and he asks me; "Is there something wrong? Did you dream of something?"

Lost for words, I suddenly thought of something absurd. What if I didn't tell him and start again, we've been through a lot of problems and he seems tired of it. I don't want him to always worry about me. Maybe this time I could show him the stronger me. Maybe this could make everything better? Forget the hard times and become something better? Would the truth even matter?

"Nothing. I'm sorry and don't worry about me anymore. I-I'm fine, really" I smiled and caressed his cheek lightly. "His face softened and he let go of me. "Here drink this then let's eat" He said as he leaned towards the side table where he placed the glass of water. He handed it to me and made sure that I finished the whole glass.

I finished it with a burp. He chuckled and led me to the door. As he was about to grab the handle, the door bursts open revealing six nut jobs falling through.


"Goddamn you are heavy!"


"We're all going to die!"

"Initiate retreat"

The boys scattered with deafening screams as if they were hiding from someone— hiding from an angry cat I suppose. I though as I looked at a Yoongi with dark eyes, literal dark eyes.

"Were you guys eves dropping again?" Yoongi growls. The boys took cover behind the sofa and Jimin screamed; "Ah! Hyung don't get mad please"
Yoongi calmed down and pulled me to the sofa.

"At least she's awake now, right?" Jin stood up from behind and grinned at me like a dumbass. "Yeah. So, if anyone plans to knock her out again I'm going to kill all of you." Yoongi growls again. I chuckled and opened my mouth to speak but Taehyung popped up in front of me with a boxy smile. "Noona~ you're awake!" He says as he hugs my arm like a kid.

Everyone then came to me with hugs. Koala hugs. I was outnumbered and Yoongi was as well. "Oh god. I can't breathe!" I managed to blurt out. They slowly retreated and sat on the couch.

"Should we watch a movie?" Taehyung suggested and everyone agreed. Their eyes shot at me waiting for an answer.

"Actually guys, I might need to go home for now. Mom and dad might be waiting for me" I said. But in all honesty, I want to confirm what I know. Whether it's real or not. I still have one day with Yoongi anyway.

"Ahh~ Noona~ they'll text if they're looking for you let's watch this now please" Jimin showed his puppy dog eyes. He's really charming but I guess Yoongi's big doe eyes got me weak. I sighed and pouted at them. "I really need to go. But I promise I'll be back tomorrow" I smiled at them.

"Let her go" Yoongi says coming out of nowhere. I smiled at him. "I'll take you home?" He suggested. I nodded and said; "You have go back here though. I really want to talk to them."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Guys! Wait!" Jin came running from his room, holding his laptop. Everyone turned to him confused. "Y'all school is cancelled. Because of a broken pipe that flooded the whole first floor and now they're doing some construction"  He explained. Jungkook scoffed and said; "Nobody cares about school"

Namjoon shook his head. "You got a 4 out of 10, Jungkook and might I remind you that it's Science" Jungkook grinned at Namjoon while he got a cookie directly from his pockets. Everyone started laughing. "So what?" Jungkook answered back.

While they were bickering. I told Yoongi to jus leave them like that. He nodded and took me to his car. "What's the important thing that you have to do there?" He suddenly asks.

"I just thought that they would be looking for me." I said and gulped. I didn't want him to know anything. Maybe not until I know whether the pictures I saw really did happen or maybe not tell him anything.

The engine started and it became a fast and quiet car ride. I've decided to just look out the window until we got there. I could feel him glancing at me from time to time.

Meanwhile at the dorm:

"I have a feeling she knows something already"


"That's impossible though"

"Shut up you don't know anything about science"


"Why though?"

"I just feel like it. She feels different"

"Yeah I kinda feel it too."

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